Six Part Stories
The Six Part Story consists of six hand-drawn greeting card-sized illustrations sent by snail mail every week over six weeks. Create a fictional story or reminisce a memory from your past. Customers are given the option of posting their stories on the Tellinga website. The following are examples of stories written by previous customers:

24-hour shipping turnaround
Schedule card delivery for any future date
International delivery and shipping
Customers receive physical and digital prints
Set as your profile picture on social media
Turn into a t-shirt, mug, or other thoughtful gift

Customer Description: Sarah and I met at a Dog Park in Nashville, Tennessee and started dating, then we both moved to San Francisco for jobs, then to Austin and finally to Houston 9 years ago. Along the way we have had 5 children and have a cat and a dog. I just want to send Sarah something special, out of the ordinary, for no reason whatsoever. She is a Super Mom and does wonderful things for me and my children. Thanks!!

Customer Description: Sarah and I met at a Dog Park in Nashville, Tennessee and started dating, then we both moved to San Francisco for jobs, then to Austin and finally to Houston 9 years ago. Along the way, we have had 5 children and have a cat and a dog. I just want to send Sarah something special, out of the ordinary, for no reason whatsoever. She is a Super Mom and does wonderful things for me and my children. Thanks!!

Customer Description: A nasty storm that develops causing lightning to strike Jack from Jack in the Box. Jack becomes evil and grows to an enormous size that’s almost unstoppable. His goal is to take out the rest of the fast food restaurants. As Jack rampages across the city, only superheroes Jodi and her husband Taylor can save them. Their superpowers allow them to turn into any of their favorite video game characters.

Customer Description: A nasty storm that develops causing lightning to strike Jack from Jack in the Box. Jack becomes evil and grows to an enormous size that’s almost unstoppable. His goal is to take out the rest of the fast food restaurants. As Jack rampages across the city, only superheroes Jodi and her husband Taylor can save them. Their superpowers allow them to turn into any of their favorite video game characters.

Customer Description: This is a gift for one of my good friends named Jerdal Whitaker. He married his wife named Mary Godfrey on 11/9/19. This story will be used as a wedding gift to them and to commemorate their love story (taken from their wedding website - https://www.theknot.com/us/mary-godfrey-and-jerdal-whitaker-nov-2019) : Welcome family and friends to the story of how a Dallas Boy (Jerdal Whitaker) found his soulmate, a girl (Mary Godfrey) from Bryan, TX, in Houston 2016.

Customer Description: This is a gift for one of my good friends named Jerdal Whitaker. He married his wife named Mary Godfrey on 11/9/19. This story will be used as a wedding gift to them and to commemorate their love story (taken from their wedding website - https://www.theknot.com/us/mary-godfrey-and-jerdal-whitaker-nov-2019): Welcome family and friends to the story of how a Dallas Boy (Jerdal Whitaker) found his soulmate, a girl (Mary Godfrey) from Bryan, TX, in Houston 2016. I feel like a lot of love stories have a sort of a similar cadence in the way that two people involved have known each other for years, have been High School Sweethearts, or nowadays maybe swiped right on the right person! Well, Mary and I’s “story” is a bit different. Let’s rewind back to February 2016. It was a work training (both Jerdal and Mary worked at Southern Glazer's Wine and Spirits Alcohol Distributor) and Mary and I met for the first time and maybe said 5 words to each other. So, it can be ruled out that this story begins with love at first sight. Now, let’s fast forward to August 2016. I had just made a big career move to Houston and in my mind was heading to this big city in south Texas for ALL Business. There was no way I was going to come to Houston and find my soulmate, nor was I searching. November 2016, the office was pretty empty and I assumed I was there alone until I received a knock on my office door followed by a question that any of you close to us know by now, “Hi, do you mind if I laminate in your office with you?” Sure, I replied as I looked at this girl with confusion…. Why did she want to laminate in my office? Again, let me emphasize the fact that at this moment I began to think twice about this ALL Business move I had made. But, after that day, something in me began to magnetize towards the laminating girl from Bryan who had just hijacked the corner of my filing cabinet for hours. From that moment, Mary and I began to build our relationship together. We took the official leap Valentine’s Day 2017 and never looked back. What sets our love story aside from others is that it’s ours’. Since the beginning, we know this has all been orchestrated by God. He chose the right times and places for us to be in our lives to bring us together. We leaned into challenging opportunities that would take us on different paths supporting each other the whole time, and in return, God moved us both to Dallas, TX within a week of each other. It’s hard to explain the feeling you get when you know you have found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. An even more powerful and unexplainable feeling is when you and that person have the opportunity to become one. Our love story is about two people, from two completely different places, that found their true selves in one another. A “story” that started with 5 words (Hi, my name is Mary) and is ending with 2 (I DO), will lead to our greatest adventure beginning November 9th, 2019 as husband and wife! They have done many fun things together leading up to their wedding like (use as fillers if you are looking to fill/continue the story): -going to an Astros game together (see picture) -Visit Lake Tahoe (see picture) -STL Blues game with Mary's siblings (see picture).

Customer Description: Matt and Kate (photos attached) are celebrating 6 years of dating. I would love a story showing us meeting in college at Boston college and traveling/living together through Nashville, NYC, San Francisco, and ending up in Houston. It would be cool to see any imaginative or crazy obstacles to overcame or experienced in any of those places. We love hockey games, vineyards, hiking, reetc. Creative freedom with wacky stories is welcome! (More focus on Kate than her sidekick Mat

Customer Description: Matt and Kate (photos attached) are celebrating 6 years of dating. I would love a story showing us meeting in college at Boston college and traveling/living together through Nashville, NYC, San Francisco, and ending up in Houston. It would be cool to see any imaginative or crazy obstacles to overcame or experienced in any of those places. We love hockey games, vineyards, hiking, etc. Creative freedom with wacky stories is welcome! (More focus on Kate than her sidekick Matt).

Customer Description: My name is Din, my boyfriend is Berto. We're doing long distance, I live in Mexico City, he lives in Porto, Portugal. I’d love to do something similar I saw in your site about getting trapped in our favorite movies, but with series and somehow incorporate the long distance element. I’ll give you a list of some of his and my favorites: His: Lucifer (his favorite) Game of Thrones Stranger Things La Casa de Papel Mine: Downton Abbey Doctor Who Black Sails Supernatural

Customer Description: My name is Din, my boyfriend is Berto. We're doing long distance, I live in MexicoCity, he lives in Porto, Portugal. I’d love to do something similar I saw in your site about getting trapped in our favorite movies, but with series and somehow incorporate the long-distance element. I’ll give you a list of some of his and my favorites: His: Lucifer (his favorite) Game of Thrones Stranger Things La Casa de Papel Mine: Downton Abbey Doctor Who Black Sails Supernatural.

Customer Description: Stephen and I have been married 21 years. I have nicknamed him Brown Bear, bc he’s fuzzy ;) Went to Memorial High School in Houston together (he’s a year older) but we dated the other’s friends then. I played volleyball and ran track, he played soccer. Reunited at my best friend Markley’s lake house in April Sound on Lake Conroe his senior/my junior college years. I stayed up later than another girlfriend of mine with her eye on him to be alone with him, even though he had

Customer Description: Stephen and I have been married for 21 years. I have nicknamed him Brown Bear, bc he's fuzzy ;) Went to Memorial High School in Houston together (he's a year older), but we dated the other's friends then. I played volleyball and ran track; he played soccer. Reunited at my best friend Markley's lake house in April Sound on Lake Conroe, his senior/my junior college years. I stayed up later than another girlfriend of mine with her eye on him to be alone with him, even though he had peed off the deck onto my volleyball earlier. True love stuff, right? He later conveniently got "left behind" at the restaurant where I waitressed, so I drove him home in my Jeep, and he made me take a detour to a street with a lake named Shady Grove Lane. Where he kissed me for the first time. Started dating right after in 94, all the way through his law school. Then he took me back to Shady Grove Lane and asked me to marry. At night. We were both trying to see how the ring looked in the headlights—married in 1997! I had our first boy in 2003. Named him Barrett Lane, partly bc of his dad's Bear nickname and all, but Lane is my hubby's middle name. Nowadays we call him Big Bear. 6'2" 220 - my baby is humongous. Had our second boy in 2005, Jack Grady, the same middle name as my father. He has themed a Jack Rabbit in our home (fitting, he's non-stop crazy), but we call him Baby Jack. (Youngest of 4 grandkids, it just stuck). We love our outdoorsy family. They crack me up and make me nuts every. Damn. Day. And thank the sweet Baby Jesus I learned to cook, bc for the love of God those boys can EAT. Oh, and by the way, my hubby's bday is New Year's Eve, so he gets screwed out of most of everything except boozy lighting of his favorite Oreo cheesecake he requests I make every year. And every year I forget candles, so sparklers come in handy.

Customer Description: A man meets a woman, falls in love, married her, they start a family, and live happily ever after. Should be easy enough. lol I was introduced to my wife by a coworker of hers. We met and fell for each other quickly. A few years later we had our beautiful daughter Chelsea, who is my wife's world now. She home schools our daughter, and is a wonderful mother. My wife is from New York, and I am from Texas, so there is a big difference between our personalities, but it makes fo

Customer Description: A man meets a woman, falls in love, married her, they start a family, and live happily ever after. It should be easy enough. Lol, I was introduced to my wife by a coworker of hers. We met and fell for each other quickly. A few years later, we had our beautiful daughter Chelsea, who is my wife's world now. She home schools our daughter and is a wonderful mother. My wife is from New York, and I am from Texas, so there is a big difference between our personalities, but it makes for an exciting marriage. I tell her all the time that she is becoming a Texan more and more every day. She denies it, so it's funny. Our 5-year-old daughter is smart as a whip and is a firecracker. She is so full of energy and is a handful to keep up with, but she is funny and is a joy to be around..most of the time. She swears she is a "real-life princess." She is big into ice skating. Please include her in the story as much as possible. Please also contact me if you have any questions or need help with the story.

Customer Description: We are a newly merged family of 5 gifted with (and grateful for) a second chance at love. We have vowed to collect feathers together forever. John and Amie are attached at the hip. We enjoy going on bike rides, nature walks, doing yard work and making art together. We playfully bicker and fight over Bluebell ice cream. John is a long, lean golfing machine, always tinkering, troubleshooting and protecting. Amie is curly headed, powerful in petite package and leaves (perhaps

Customer Description: We are a newly merged family of 5 gifted with (and grateful for) a second chance at love. We have vowed to collect feathers together forever. John and Amie are attached at the hip. We enjoy going on bike rides, nature walks, doing yard work and making art together. We playfully bicker and fight over Bluebell ice cream. John is a long, lean golfing machine, always tinkering, troubleshooting and protecting. Amie is curly-headed, powerful in petite package and leaves (perhaps weaves) a colorful trail. MJ is the most precocious 10-year old (girl) who demanded to wear all black beginning at the age of 3 and has grown into a theater sensation. Offstage, you may find MJ sparing in TaeKwonDo, rocking out on her electric guitar, speaking Chinese, exploring nature or lost in a fabulous book filled with mystery and adventure. Bud is a German Shorthair Pointer (resembling a Dalmatian but John insists he is ticked not spotted) who is a perma-puppy, always on point, running in circles to chase lizards and sings opera. Jasmine (Jazzy) is a slightly round in the middle miniature dachshund who is thankful for being rescued, always smiling and has terrible halitosis. I would love a James Bond-style story of the 5 of us crammed into a little electric car, saving baby bunnies and lost cats. We laugh a lot and always stop to pick up feathers, so it may feel more like Scooby-Doo.

Customer Description: Louis is the world’s cutest, squishiest baby. He has curly hair and juicy cheeks you’re dying to squeeze and kiss. We sometimes call him WooWoo, which is an adaptation LouLou, or Wooith, which is how he’d say his name (if he could talk). So, WooWoo is a super sweet, happy boy. He loves his momma and papa and his grandma (who he calls Pokey) and his grandpa (who he calls Gumby...yes, like the claymation characters). He loves Beatbo, his techno robot and, more than anything,

Customer Description: Louis is the world’s cutest, squishiest baby. He has curly hair and juicy cheeks you’re dying to squeeze and kiss. We sometimes call him WooWoo, which is an adaptation LouLou, or Wooith, which is how he’d say his name (if he could talk). So, WooWoo is a super sweet, happy boy. He loves his momma and papa and his grandma (who he calls Pokey) and his grandpa (who he calls Gumby...yes, like the claymation characters). He loves Beatbo, his techno robot and, more than anything, he loves his bottle. The only time he’s not happy is when he gets hungry or tired. That’s when we say he turns into a crab (which in baby talk is pronounced “cwab”). “Why you getting cwabby?” his momma and his papa will ask. He has numerous outfits with crabs on them (including a pair of light-green and dark-green striped pajamas with a crab on his butt) and numerous crab toys. So, one day, we see Louis happily doing things he loves with the people he loves. But then it comes time for his bottle and something mysterious happens — he starts turning into a giant crab (a cute one though). And he wreaks havoc on Houston landmarks (such as skyscrapers, Minute Maid Park, NASA) like Godzilla. And he can’t be stopped. And his daddy, grandma, and grandpa fail. But the only one who can stop him is his momma, who gives him a bottle and he returns to his wonderful, cuddly, normal-sized self and the day is saved. Then we discover it’s Mother’s Day and Louis wishes his momma a happy Mother’s Day and thanks to her for being such a heroic mother. And gives her his Mother’s Day gift: a big hug/kiss...and the Bank of America building he tore out of the ground from downtown. The end.

Customer Description: Eddie turns into a super-hero (Spider-Man, if possible) and he gets the bad guys and saves Christmas in New York.

Customer Description: Eddie turns into a super-hero (Spider-Man, if possible) and he gets the bad guys and saves Christmas in New York

Customer Description: Michael and wife Ashley become cursed by their Netflix account. They end up traveling through many movies and don't know if they will make it back home.

Customer Description: Michael and his wife Ashley become cursed by their Netflix account. They end up traveling through many movies and don't know if they will make it back home.

Customer Description: Maria goes to the donut shop and orders a donut. The cashier hands her the donut and whispers “you were never here ”. Puzzled, Maria takes the donut from the bag and bites into it to also bite into a piece of paper that says “meet by the dumpster”. She thinks to herself “this wouldn’t be the first time I met someone at a dumpster”, finishes her donut and follows the directions of the note. At the dumpster is a homeless man named Kevin. Maria says “hey you’re that homeless ma

Customer Description: Maria goes to the donut shop and orders a donut. The cashier hands her the donut and whispers “you were never here”. Puzzled, Maria takes the donut from the bag and bites into it to also bite into a piece of paper that says “meet by the dumpster”. She thinks to herself “this wouldn’t be the first time I met someone at a dumpster”, finishes her donut and follows the directions of the note. At the dumpster is a homeless man named Kevin. Maria says “hey you’re that homeless man I give my spare change to when I have some, here you go man” and she hands him some change. He takes it and says “Thanks! except I’m not really a homeless man. My name is Kevin and I’ve been watching you. Your love for donuts is like none other. That is why I’ve axed you to meet me here.” Kevin takes a piece of paper out of his pocket and hands it to Maria. On it is an address. “On that is an address that I’d like you to meet me at midnight o’clock. Tonight. The fate of all the donuts in the world depends on you.” “Haha okay, dude” Maria agreed. Later that night at midnight o’clock Maria arrives at the address. It’s a junkyard. Inside the yard, Maria sees an old RV with the lights on. She approaches the RV and out jumps Kevin. “Quickly Maria, we mustn’t waste time!” Maria enters the RV and inside Kevin explains....”I work as an ambassador for NASA and I’ve been undercover as a homeless man watching you. Every day you come to the donut shop and order the same thing. Your passion for donuts is admirable, and now it’s time I let you in on a secret, here, have a donut for the ride”. Maria takes the donut and the NASA dude starts the RV. The RV is actually a space ship and they take off through space. “Woah dude what’s going on?!” Says Maria. “Donuts are actually unfertilized eggs from the planet Glaze-O. Right now there is turmoil on the planet and if Earth is to see another donut ever again I need your help to save the entire donut race....also you will be rewarded with a lifetime supply of donuts if we succeed”. Maria looks at the donut she’s been eating and says “wait so this whole time we’ve actually been eating unborn donut babies?” Kevin replies, “yes”. “Hell yeah”, replies Maria, and she finishes her donut. They arrive on Glaze-O (which looks like a giant donut, of course) and on the surface, Maria can see that the land is littered with hundreds of dead donut people. “This is an intense man. There’s glaze everywhere!” Says Maria. “Yes I’m afraid if this war continues any longer this race of beloved donuts will cease to exist,” says Kevin. “What do we have to do?” Asks Maria. “I need you to talk to the people. Get them to stop fighting”. “Okie Dokie” replies Maria. So Maria holds a city meeting and stands in front of a crowd of millions of donuts and says “hey man can’t we all just get along?” And all the donut people are like “Yeah!” And “aww I love you!” To each other and they hug and stop fighting and stuff. Then Maria and Kevin get back on the RV to fly back to Earth and Kevin says “I can’t thank you enough, Maria, you saved the entire race of donut people and by doing so quite possibly the human race as well. There’s one more secret I have to tell you...” “What’s that man?” Asks Maria. “My name isn’t really Kevin...” and he pulls off his human mask...” my name is actually Slumpy McSleazemeister. I am a donut.” And maria looks deep in his eyes and thinks he’s the most beautiful thing she’s ever seen and starts making out with his donut mouth (which is actually just his donut hole in the middle of his face). Then they get back to Earth and drive off in the sunset with a lifetime supply of donuts and love.

Customer Description: Samantha Lewis, Executive Director, GOOSE Society https://goosesocietyoftexas.com/-https://www.linkedin.com/in/samanthajolewis/ Rice MBA, 2017 – TAMU for undergrad. Spent a year learning French after undergraduate graduation. Participated in this Napier Rice Launch Challenge competition in 2017, and is now a judge. Co-founded New Mexico Green Chile Company – generates over $3 million in annual revenue and boasts of customers like Torchy’s Tacos, HEB, and Trader Joe’s.

Customer Description: ***Special Napier Rice Launch Challenge Judge Gift*** Samantha Lewis, Executive Director, GOOSE Society • https://goosesocietyoftexas.com/ • https://www.linkedin.com/in/samanthajolewis/ • Rice MBA, 2017 – TAMU for undergrad. Spent a year learning French after undergraduate graduation. • Participated in this Napier Rice Launch Challenge competition in 2017, and is now a judge. • Co-founded New Mexico Green Chile Company – generates over $3 million in annual revenue and boasts of customers like Torchy’s Tacos, HEB, and Trader Joe’s. • She started a lash extension shop in College Station (Lash Resort) and sold it in 2017. • During her time at Rice Business, she helped launch two tech startups, worked with a startup private equity firm, and interned at Station Houston. Samantha pitched at five business plan competitions including the Rice Business Plan Competition and the Rice Launch Competition where her startup, Trace Matters, won the $10,000 first-place prize for their lab-grade, portable chemical analyzer. • Samantha is a recipient of the Texas Business Hall of Fame Scholarship, the National Association of Women MBA’s Scholarship, and the Jones Citizen Award. Her Rice peers elected her as Alumni Class Ambassador for the full-time Class of 2017. Her favorite position at Rice, though, was as President of the Rice Business Wine Club where she launched the inaugural Rice Business Wine Tasting Competition.

Customer Description: Maurice, Kelly, and their cat Max are living in Houston. All of a sudden, there's a zombie outbreak!They equip themselves to fight their way out of the city, and even give Max some tiny kitty nunchucks.They fight their way to the Medical Center, where they get a helicopter out of the city, and eventually a plane to New York City, because somehow the US Northeast was spared from the zombie plague. Maurice, Kelly, and Max settle down in New York City to start their new lives.

Customer Description: Maurice, Kelly, and their cat Max are living peacefully in Houston. All of a sudden, there's a zombie outbreak! They equip themselves to fight their way out of the city and even give Max some tiny kitty nunchucks. They fight their way to the Medical Center, where they get a helicopter out of the city, and eventually a plane to New York City because somehow the US Northeast was spared from the zombie plague. Maurice, Kelly, and Max settle down in New York City to start their new lives. (Inspired because Maurice, Kelly, and Max will be moving from Houston to NYC soon so Maurice can go to Grad School. Maurice also really likes zombie stories!!)

Customer Description: Hello my name is Machi and I am from Amsterdam The Netherlands, And my girlfriend's name is Rita she works as a Tour Guide in Budapest The story is the following: I am listening to my girlfriend while she is guiding a group of tourists through the beautiful city of Budapest. We have eye contact and we cheeky smile to each other when suddenly we both notice something. There is a penguin in the group as well. We are amazed that there is a penguin in the group. The penguin has

Customer Description: Hello my name is Machi and I am from Amsterdam The Netherlands, And my girlfriend's name is Rita she works as a Tour Guide in Budapest The story is the following: I am listening to my girlfriend while she is guiding a group of tourists through the beautiful city of Budapest. We have eye contact and we cheeky smile to each other when suddenly we both notice something. There is a penguin in the group as well. We are amazed that there is a penguin in the group. The penguin has a travel machine and tells us to get in because he has something beautiful to show us We go inside the travel machine and we arrive in Northern Scandinavia where we see the beautiful Northern Lights The penguin tells us we were the cutest couple he had ever seen and had to show this beautiful Northern Light to us. Other than that he tells us that we can use his friends Iglo to sleep in. The Iglo is very beautiful from the inside and there is even a fireplace We go inside and have a naughty night in the igloo while looking at the northern lights The End.

Customer Description: Make Olivia find a secret passage to a Unicorn Paradise where she meets a few good Unicorns, but also one secretly mean Unicorn. Olivia recognizes there is something wrong with the mean one and catches her doing something sneaky, like eating everyone's chocolate. All the unicorns thank Olivia and go to sleep, because they're tired. They wake up to find all their chocolate was eaten, anyway, by OLIVIA! Olivia says "Sorry guys, it was so yummy, i couldn't stop." :-)

Customer Description: Make Olivia find a secret passage to a Unicorn Paradise where she meets a few good Unicorns, but also one secretly mean Unicorn. Olivia recognizes there is something wrong with the mean one and catches her doing something sneaky, like eating everyone's chocolate. All the unicorns thank Olivia and go to sleep because they're tired. They wake up to find all their chocolate was eaten, anyway, by OLIVIA! Olivia says "Sorry guys, it was so yummy, i couldn't stop." :-).

Customer Description: Brian and Whitney met at the bus stop in kindergarten. Over the years, Brian grew to become best friends with Whitney’s older brother, so they were always around each other and hung out. As Whitney and Brian approached their twenties, they realized there was more to their relationship than simple friendship and found themselves falling in love. They had a secret romantic relationship that no one knew about but at age 25, Whitney moved across the country to Florida and Brian

Customer Description: Brian and Whitney met at the bus stop in kindergarten. Over the years, Brian grew to become best friends with Whitney’s older brother, so they were always around each other and hung out. As Whitney and Brian approached their twenties, they realized there was more to their relationship than simple friendship and found themselves falling in love. They had a secret romantic relationship that no one knew about but at age 25, Whitney moved across the country to Florida and Brian planted his roots by purchasing a home in Michigan. They always secretly kept in touch – calling, texting, and hanging out when in town – even though Whitney had a boyfriend in Florida. This went on for years until one day, at age 35, Brian got sick and was in the hospital, and they both realized life was too short to be unhappy. Whitney broke up with her boyfriend, flew home to see Brian, and since then they have been inseparable with plans for Whitney to move home so they can start a life together and be together at last.

Customer Description: Tatum is 6 years old and has a magic fairy named Love who Tatum has never seen (she just knows that she is a tiny fair with wings), but who visits her at night and leaves evidence that she has been there. Love also secretly watches over Tatum while she is at school. Tatum enjoys playing in the yard and making crafts. Tatum also has a big sister named Nixie who she enjoys playing with. (In the photo that I have provided, Tatum is the younger one)

Customer Description: Tatum is 6 years old and has a magic fairy named Love whom Tatum has never seen (she just knows that she is a tiny fair with wings), but who visits her at night and leaves evidence that she has been there. Love also secretly watches over Tatum while she is at school. Tatum enjoys playing in the yard and making crafts. Tatum also has a big sister named Nixie whom she enjoys playing with. (In the photo that I have provided, Tatum is the younger one).

Customer Description: My name is Chad. I met my fiancé, Nicole, at Air Force Officer School. On graduation day, June 8th, 2018 (the same day we became Second Lieutenants), we admitted mutual interest in each other and began dating. After that, we went to the same 6-month training course at Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas, where we got to know and fall in love with each other. I’m currently stationed at Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina, and live in Columbia. She is stationed at Warfield Air N

Customer Description: My name is Chad. I met my fiancé, Nicole, at Air Force Officer School. On graduation day, June 8th, 2018 (the same day we became Second Lieutenants), we admitted mutual interest in each other and began dating. After that, we went to the same 6-month training course at Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas, where we got to know and fall in love with each other. I’m currently stationed at Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina, and live in Columbia. She is stationed at Warfield Air National Guard Base in Maryland and lives in Baltimore. The long distance relationship is tough, but we make it work through monthly trips to see one another, a lot of which have turned into mini-vacations. We’ve gone to visit my family in Pittsburgh, where I showed her around the city and she saw where my Steelers and Penguins fandom was born. We went to Universal Studios Florida to see Harry Potter world and wore shirts with our corresponding Hogwarts houses on them. I took her to a West Virginia University football game (my alma mater) and introduced her to a few of my college friends. I proposed to her in Jamaica on the beach at sunset on her birthday (September 20th). Recently, we spent our first Christmas and New Year together with our respective families. I’m currently deployed to the Middle East, so we’re running into new challenges in our relationship with even less communication than normal. I miss her terribly and can’t wait to get back to her. Nicole loves to read, drink red wine, and watch Dateline. I'm a lifelong martial artist (black belt) and like to eat way too much pizza and run Spartan Races. We're both Intelligence Officers in the United States Air Force.

Customer Description: This is a Mother's Day Gift for my mom named Marianne. Card 1: my mom was a school teacher. Draw my mom by herself (use card 1 pic) in front of the JL Lyons school sign (use card 1 pic) with the letters reading "Best Mom and Teacher Ever!" Card 2: Just draw pic (see card 2). Write "She loves to travel with her man" up at the top. Card 3: Just draw pic (See card 3). Write "She loves her two boys" up at the top. Card 4: Just draw pic (see card 4). Write "She

Customer Description: This is a Mother's Day Gift for my mom named Marianne Kurkowski. Card 1: my mom was a school teacher. Draw my mom by herself (use card 1 pic) in front of the JL Lyons school sign (use card 1 pic) with the letters reading "Best Mom and Teacher Ever! Card 2: Just draw pic (see card 2). Write "She loves to travel with her man" up at the top. Card 3: Just draw pic (See card 3). Write "She loves her two boys" up at the top. Card 4: Just draw pic (see card 4). Write "She likes to have fun with her friends" up at the top. Card 5: just draw pic (see card 5). Write "She adores her grandchildren" up at the top. Card 6: Just draw pic (see card 6). Write "Happy Mother's Day" up at the top.

Customer Description: Part 1- Saw her for the first time at a party. Was sitting with a plate of food and glanced up and fell in love immediately that I couldn’t even eaten my food. That was the first meeting then she stared and at me and was probably was like who is this weirdo staring at me with a plate of food. I remember what she was wearing a goldish cream skirt and top with heels. Part 2 - At her school’s bazaar all day we would see each other from far and stare but no one had the guts to

Customer Description: Part 1- Saw her for the first time at a party. I was sitting with a plate of food and glanced up and fell in love immediately that I couldn’t even eat my food. That was the first meeting then she stared and at me and was probably was like who is this weirdo staring at me with a plate of food. I remember what she was wearing a goldish cream skirt and top with heels. Part 2 - At her school’s bazaar all day we would see each other from far and stare but no one had the guts to make the first interaction. Then when the bazaar was about to finish and she was going home I said now is my only time and stepped in front of her when she was leaving. She got startled and ran straight into me lol. I said hi and she said bye looking at the floor all nervously. Her friend came up and said you guys should take pictures. Part 3 - I started talking a lot online and watching movies and became inseparable. Finally got the guts on April 26th, 2016 to ask her if she wants to be my girlfriend and made it official. She said yes through the phone. Part 4- I asked her to go to graduation with me and she said yes. I had an amazing time at my graduation and hers. Part 5 - Finished high school and moved to Canada at the end of summer 2018 to go to school together. It was the best time of my life. Part 6 - flash forward to now and 4 years going strong and still together through this pandemic and celebrating our 4 year anniversary together. Description - from the pictures. My name is Christian Bhola, 20, and her Shanaya Singh 20. Both students and currently stupid in love

Customer Description: My boyfriend, AJ and I started dating last year and he is the sweetest man. I would like each card to show the things he does for me and my son Leiland, and some cute memories we have together. When Leiland was sick he stayed up and held him sitting on the couch late into the night so I could sleep, every Sunday morning he gets me an iced coffee and sprinkle doughnut, we love to have scary movie night dates at home, AJ loves to play with Leiland they will sit together on a

Customer Description: My boyfriend, AJ and I started dating last year and he is the sweetest man. I would like each card to show the things he does for me and my son Leiland, and some cute memories we have together. When Leiland was sick he stayed up and held him sitting on the couch late into the night so I could sleep, every Sunday morning he gets me an iced coffee and sprinkles doughnut, we love to have scary movie night dates at home, AJ loves to play with Leiland they will sit together on a blanket in the living room and play with his many many stuffed elephants. One memory I would love to have shown was a night that AJ was pretty tipsy, we both have an outline of a rooster tattoo on our right thighs. That particular night he looked at his and said “I have a chicken!” then he notices that I too have the same tattoo and yelled out “You have a chicken too!” And then proceeded to grab my leg and put the chickens next to each other with the biggest smile in his face. I was dying laughing. The final card I would like to have Leiland, myself, and my two cats in a box of some sort, with AJ looking at us, and for it to say something along the lines of “ thank you for taking the package deal.” For reference: Myself(Lili): I am 23, 5’6” AJ: 23, 6’2” Leiland: 9 months (I would love if his very chubby cheeks were captured in the artwork) Thank you!

Customer Description: Molly (29) and I have known each other for about five years and have always been close but recently we started dating. We're separated during the quarantine and I'd like to send her a funny, superhero-type comic to make her laugh since we can't spend time together. When she was in high school (outside of Philadelphia, PA), she worked at a local ice cream shop, was on the juggling team and was the captain of her school's Fife and Drum Corps. She had a uniform and everything

Customer Description: Molly (29) and I have known each other for about five years and have always been close but recently we started dating. We're separated during the quarantine and I'd like to send her a funny, superhero-type comic to make her laugh since we can't spend time together. When she was in high school (outside of Philadelphia, PA), she worked at a local ice cream shop, was on the juggling team and was the captain of her school's Fife and Drum Corps. She had a uniform and everything (see picture attached). I'd like to give her a humorous story called "Molly and the Magic Flute!" that takes place when she’s in high school and ends when she gets into Penn State - her dream college! A little about Molly - she’s beautiful, smart, funny (hugely sarcastic), a bit standoffish, great baker, loves her family, loves dogs, loves football, loves sunshine, she graduated from Penn State, favorite color is blue, was on the juggling team, plays the flute, worked in an ice cream shop. I've outlined my idea for a story below but please make whatever changes are necessary for it to be completed. Thanks! Card 1: Molly is at work at the local ice cream shop. She’s scooping a cone for an old man. She’s talking to her coworker that she’s worried about having enough time for her George Washington assignment because she has juggling practice. If she doesn’t do well on the paper, she’ll never get into Penn State! Card 2: Later that night, Molly is closing up the shop. The same old man from earlier comes back into the store and hands her a flute box. He says he heard her talking about her assignment and he thought she might find this helpful. She takes the box and sees the words on the front, “Ye Olde Magic Flute” She looks suspicious Card 3: Molly is in her bedroom that night, sitting in front of her computer and a blank screen. She’s struggling. She opens the flute box from the old man and plays the flute. Suddenly, in a flash, she finds herself in a colonial soldier’s uniform back in 1776 (see picture) during the American Revolution! Another soldier appears and tells her that General Washington wants to see her immediately! Card 4: General Washington tells Molly that he needs her help to defeat England in juggling. The fate of the nation depends on her. Molly is amazing and defeats England’s best juggler! America has won! Card 5: General Washington congratulates her and hands her a medal. Molly looks at her watch and realizes she has to get back. She plays the flute and suddenly, in a flash, she’s back in her bedroom in the present day. She sits down at her computer to write her George Washington paper. Card 6: We see Molly’s paper with an A+ on it! She’s so happy to be moving into her Penn State dorm room and she places the medal from George Washington on a shelf next to the Ye Olde Flute Box. The last image is a drawing of her on the Nittany Lion statue (attached).

Customer Description:Part 1- chocolate lab puppy female "Riley" and adult dog black lab male "Simon travel from Georgia to Indiana in an RV. (Maybe a map of the trip) Part 2- Once in Indiana they pick up 6 year old female golden retriever "Sandy" (Show the Big RV in a cornfield) Part 3- Riley, Sandy, and Simon travel to Lake Michigan and spend a day sailing on the lake. ( Boat and dogs at sunset with lighthouse in background) Part 4- Riley, Sandy, and Simon drive to the Great Smokey Mountains on

Customer Description: Part 1- chocolate lab puppy female "Riley" and adult dog black lab male "Simon travel from Georgia to Indiana in an RV. (Maybe a map of the trip) Part 2- Once in Indiana they pick up a 6-year-old female golden retriever "Sandy" (Show the Big RV in a cornfield) Part 3- Riley, Sandy, and Simon travel to Lake Michigan and spend a day sailing on the lake. ( Boat and dogs at sunset with the lighthouse in the background) Part 4- Riley, Sandy, and Simon drive to the Great Smokey Mountains on Spyder motorcycle. (3 dogs on Can-Am Spyder motorcycle in front of a mountain landscape) Part 5- Riley, Sandy, and Simon go tubing on the river between the mountains (Dogs on inner tubes floating down the river) Part 6- Riley, Sandy, and Simon enjoy a sunset on the beach.

Customer Description: This story is for my girlfriend Christina. I am a former tennis player from Italy and she is a former swimmer from San Francisco. We now both live in NYC. We met on the Hinge app and we fell for each other right away. She has always been successful, while I was a struggling, shy and lost guy. Thanks to her I regained my self-esteem. We are now ready to leave NYC and move to different areas of the world. I am now ready to face the world with her. I want to show her how much

Customer Description: This story is for my girlfriend Christina. I am a former tennis player from Italy and she is a former swimmer from San Francisco. We now both live in NYC. We met on the Hinge app and we fell for each other right away. She has always been successful, while I was a struggling, shy and lost guy. Thanks to her I regained my self-esteem. We are now ready to leave NYC and move to different areas of the world. I am now ready to face the world with her. I want to show her how much of a turning point meeting her was and how she is a superwoman to me!

Customer Description: First Date- We met at the Fairhope Municipal Pier, sat on these benches and talked for hours. I went to Bellingrath Gardens. Walked everywhere as we talked and enjoyed the day. A rainstorm came up so we found some cover. Jennifer fell asleep in my arms while it rained, as we sat on this swing. First Kiss - After a date, I was leaving, I live 3 hours away, and we were already texting and I mentioned I had one regret and that it was missing my chance to kiss her. She said to

Customer Description: First Date- We met at the Fairhope Municipal Pier, sat on these benches and talked for hours. I went to Bellingrath Gardens. Walked everywhere as we talked and enjoyed the day. A rainstorm came up so we found some cover. Jennifer fell asleep in my arms while it rained, as we sat on this swing. First Kiss - After a date, I was leaving, I live 3 hours away, and we were already texting and I mentioned I had one regret and that it was missing my chance to kiss her. She said to turn around. I did. We met in a parking lot at a soccer complex, perfect since soccer had been a big part of both of our lives, and had our first kiss. The kiss was way hotter than the blazing hot sun on that 90-degree day. “You can kiss me now”. Getting back together after a brief breakup. Had dinner at the Grand Hotel and after dinner, as we were leaving she looked at me and said: “You can kiss me now.” And I did, and it was magic. We spent a good bit of time at the beach with her four daughters and my two. Ages from 8-13. She backed into my car, with her GMC Acadia, Sunday morning on her way to the church where she works. She was freaking out, her bumper was messed up, so I went to her church and fixed her bumper while she was working. I leave her and her girl's little notes before I head home. At the end of all of this, she says I am her balance and that she loves me!

Customer Description: Dan has retired..see photos of Ann and Dan ... use sketch pictured below a a very rough draft.... incorporate university of Minnesota Gophers, Minnesota Vikings, Michelob Golden Light beer, fishing, snowmobiling as you can. For example, maybe the garage could have fishing poles and a snowmobile among other things. No words in any frames except for honey do lists and retirement banners.

Customer Description: Dan has retired..see photos of Ann and Dan ... use sketch pictured below a a very rough draft.... incorporate university of Minnesota Gophers, Minnesota Vikings, Michelob Golden Light beer, fishing, snowmobiling as you can. For example, maybe the garage could have fishing poles and a snowmobile among other things. No words in any frames except for honey do lists and retirement banners.

Customer Description: Felicia Ann Zimmerman Leach (my mom) was born in Monroe, LA on June 5, 1958. She makes 62 next Friday and we want to celebrate her. Here's her story. She was an only child for 11 years until she begged her parents for some siblings. Well, in 1969, her wish was granted and they didn't stop. Her parents had 3 kids from 1969 to 1972. She finished high school at Wossman High in 1976 (America's bi centennial year) and started college at Louisiana Tech that same year. She played

Customer Description: Felicia Ann Zimmerman Leach (my mom) was born in Monroe, LA on June 5, 1958. She makes 62 next Friday and we want to celebrate her. Here's her story. She was an only child for 11 years until she begged her parents for some siblings. Well, in 1969, her wish was granted and they didn't stop. Her parents had 3 kids from 1969 to 1972. She finished high school at Wossman High in 1976 (America's bicentennial year) and started college at Louisiana Tech that same year. She played tennis and the flute throughout her high school and college days. She had hoped to study computer science but opted for biology instead. She graduated from LA Tech in 1980 and moved to New Orleans, LA to take a job with the state of Louisiana. That's where she met my dad! They married one month before they gave birth to their first child, my sister, in 1984 and I was born the following year in Dec 1985! My mom has worked as a lab tech for 40 years of testing tissue and blood samples. She lives with my sister on the Westbank of New Orleans today. She enjoys going to church, engaging in different activities with her book club and family time!

Customer Description: My name is Chad. I met my fiancé, Nicole, at Air Force Officer School. On graduation day, June 8th, 2018 (the same day we became Second Lieutenants), we admitted mutual interest in each other and began dating. After that, we went to the same 6-month training course at Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas, where we got to know and fall in love with each other. I’m currently stationed at Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina, and live in Columbia. She is stationed at Warfield Air N

Customer Description: My name is Chad. I met my fiancé, Nicole, at Air Force Officer School. On graduation day, June 8th, 2018 (the same day we became Second Lieutenants), we admitted mutual interest in each other and began dating. After that, we went to the same 6-month training course at Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas, where we got to know and fall in love with each other. I’m currently stationed at Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina, and live in Columbia. She is stationed at Warfield Air National Guard Base in Maryland and lives in Baltimore. The long distance relationship is tough, but we make it work through monthly trips to see one another, a lot of which have turned into mini-vacations. We’ve gone to visit my family in Pittsburgh, where I showed her around the city and she saw where my Steelers and Penguins fandom was born. We went to Universal Studios Florida to see Harry Potter world and wore shirts with our corresponding Hogwarts houses on them. I took her to a West Virginia University football game (my alma mater) and introduced her to a few of my college friends. I proposed to her in Jamaica on the beach at sunset on her birthday (September 20th). Recently, we spent our first Christmas and New Year together with our respective families. I’m currently deployed to the Middle East, so we’re running into new challenges in our relationship with even less communication than normal. I miss her terribly and can’t wait to get back to her. Nicole loves to read, drink red wine, and watch Dateline. I'm a lifelong martial artist (black belt) and like to eat way too much pizza and run Spartan Races. We're both Intelligence Officers in the United States Air Force.

Customer Description: My name is Christopher Smith. This is for my best friend, Sahndra Yager, she's to my left with her hair up in the photo. She goes by Sandy, and her Birthday is on the 4th of July and I wanted to do something to celebrate our friendship and her turning 46. I came across her during the MySpace days in an online plus size beauty contest, back then she lived in Long Beach, California. She's a Jill-of-all-Trades, she likes Hello Kitty a lot, and is into the whole Mad Max charact

Customer Description: My name is Christopher Smith. This is for my best friend, Sahndra Yager, she's to my left with her hair up in the photo. She goes by Sandy, and her Birthday is on the 4th of July and I wanted to do something to celebrate our friendship and her turning 46. I came across her during the MySpace days in an online plus size beauty contest, back then she lived in Long Beach, California. She's a Jill-of-all-Trades, she likes Hello Kitty a lot and is into the whole Mad Max character and world. She likes to listen to Coldplay and other music like me and can sing like an angel. She says I was the only male best friend she had. When she finally moved from Cali to Pennsylvania I was enthusiastic because I would finally get to meet her in person! We could talk for hours about the things we liked and shared secrets about each other late into the night. But one time it got so bad between us because of lifestyle changes she went through like school and her new boyfriend. I allowed it to get to me and it resulted in her having nothing to do with me. But time passed and she finally forgave me for my actions. Now it's the start of a new beginning. Hope you can use the Mad Max info to make a good story. Also, the photo is the result of us finishing a visit to a wildlife park or something like that. Be creative!

Customer Description: *Design theme like a comic book, preferably Japanese style!* This story is about a medical doctor in Michigan, Anton, who must battle and defeat all of his favorite video game characters (such as Link, Luigi, Cuphead, Goku, and Geralt of Rivia, in order to be reunited with his girlfriend, Courtney, who is going to school in Durham, England. Anton morphs into a giant bug (like the caterpillar emoji) when he is battling. He enlists the help of his pets, Pepi the tough cat and

Customer Description: *Design theme like a comic book, preferably Japanese style!* This story is about a medical doctor in Michigan, Anton, who must battle and defeat all of his favorite video game characters (such as Link, Luigi, Cuphead, Goku, and Geralt of Rivia, in order to be reunited with his girlfriend, Courtney, who is going to school in Durham, England. Anton morphs into a giant bug (like the caterpillar emoji) when he is battling. He enlists the help of his pets, Pepi the tough cat, and Onyx the scaredy-cat dog to help him. He eventually defeats all the bosses and is reunited with Courtney. They live happily ever after in Michigan and the final scene is them sitting on the bed with Onyx on top of all the pillows and Pepi at their feet. Feel free to add anything to story that makes better sense!

Customer Description: Brad Garrett his my father-in-law, and I'm writing this for him for Father's Day for my wife, sister-in-law, and daughter. Brad is a father and now a grandfather. His daughter's names are Allison and Jessica; his granddaughter is Lyla. It is a die-hard Kansas Jayhawks fan. He is also a huge Kansas City Chiefs and Royals fan. Brad takes pride in being a dad and grandpa. He loves to travel with his children, hike, go to concerts, but most importantly, spend time. Brad never m

Customer Description: Brad Garrett his my father-in-law, and I'm writing this for him for Father's Day for my wife, sister-in-law, and daughter. Brad is a father and now a grandfather. His daughter's names are Allison and Jessica; his granddaughter is Lyla. It is a die-hard Kansas Jayhawks fan. He is also a huge Kansas City Chiefs and Royals fan. Brad takes pride in being a dad and grandpa. He loves to travel with his children, hike, go to concerts, but most importantly, spend time. Brad never misses a sporting event where one of his teams is playing. His daughter Allison lives in Dallas, Tx, while Jessica lives in Kansas City. His daughters were born in Austin, TX. Brad was a softball dad growing up, and they all still sit around and share stories. It was a huge part of their childhood. Both daughters are married, and Allison, my wife, his daughter. Brad has always had a cat. I want to create this for his Father's Day. The transition of him and his daughters younger to now. Sports/trips/time are very important. Happy Father's Day!

Customer Description: This is a 10th anniversary gift for my husband, Matt. We met at a Halloween party in 2008 playing Rock Band. I first saw him lying on the kitchen floor petting the host’s cat. We married on 9/19/2010. 3 years after that our daughter Evangeline was born in December 2013. Matt is the BEST dad and husband. He takes great care of us. He is a software engineer and is an awesome project manager. He loves Cats, martial arts, gardening, video games and Star Wars.

Customer Description: This is a 10th-anniversary gift for my husband, Matt. We met at a Halloween party in 2008 playing Rock Band. I first saw him lying on the kitchen floor petting the host’s cat. We married on 9/19/2010. 3 years after that our daughter Evangeline was born in December 2013. Matt is the BEST dad and husband. He takes great care of us. He is a software engineer and is an awesome project manager. He loves Cats, martial arts, gardening, video games and Star Wars.

Customer Description: We first met when we were both 9 years old at our little brothers football practice, our moms sat next to each other. ( her mom had red hair and is Caucasian, my mom had dark hair and is 4’11 with a tanned skin tone) . Fast forward to when we were sophomores in high school she saw me again at a dance when she was sitting down with friends when I was dancing with a shorter dark hair friend of mine. ( I hade a pink,blue and white patterned button down long sleeve with jeans a

Customer Description: We first met when we were both 9 years old at our little brother's football practice, our moms sat next to each other. ( her mom had red hair and is Caucasian, my mom had dark hair and is 4’11 with a tanned skin tone) . Fast forward to when we were sophomores in high school she saw me again at a dance when she was sitting down with friends when I was dancing with a shorter dark hair friend of mine. ( I hade a pink, blue, and white patterned button down long sleeve with jeans and boots, she had on a black romper) . We then went on our first date in our junior year to the San Antonio zoo, we were both very nervous to talk to each other. We then had our first kiss laying down in bad after she said she was a horrible kisser. Eventually, we did take a break and were both very sad during this point but still kept in touched because we loved each other. We then became officially dating again and spent a wonderful Christmas together.

Customer Description: Lana and Jared are getting married on October 17, 2020. Lana is from Houston, Texas and Jared is from Scranton, PA (home of Dunder Mifflin, the fictional paper company from The Office). They met at a bar on New Years Eve in North Carolina where they now live with their two pets, Gizmo (Jared’s cat) and Einstein (Lana’s dog). Jared is a pro wrestling loving sports broadcaster and Lana is a Harry Potter loving academic. Together they love Escape Rooms and (b)arcades. We’d lov

Customer Description: Lana and Jared are getting married on October 17, 2020. Lana is from Houston, Texas and Jared are from Scranton, PA (home of Dunder Mifflin, the fictional paper company from The Office). They met at a bar on New Year's Eve in North Carolina where they now live with their two pets, Gizmo (Jared’s cat) and Einstein (Lana’s dog). Jared is a pro wrestling loving sports broadcaster and Lana is a Harry Potter loving academic. Together they love Escape Rooms and (b)arcades. We’d love to send them a love story that starts with them coming to North Carolina from their home states and ends with their outdoor wedding. The middle of the story would be a comic book or super hero-style adventure involving their personal and shared interests (escape rooms, arcade games) and of course their pets!

Customer Description: Victor and Jorge were students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Victor was from the Ravenclaw house and Jorge from the Hufflepuff house. They had never met before until one day they saw each other at a Quidditch game. Initially, Victor thought Jorge was annoying. However, later when Jorge saw Victor at the Yule ball, he asked him for a dance. Victor immediately felt a connection with Jorge and could feel how their bond made their mystical powers become stronge

Customer Description: Victor and Jorge were students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Victor was from the Ravenclaw house and Jorge from the Hufflepuff house. They had never met before until one day they saw each other at a Quidditch game. Initially, Victor thought Jorge was annoying. However, later when Jorge saw Victor at the Yule Ball, he asked him for a dance. Victor immediately felt a connection with Jorge and could feel how their bond made their mystical powers become stronger. Victor and Jorge spent 2 weeks together having different adventures. Their interactions made their powers shine so bright that they woke up the evil Lord Voldemort. Voldemort cast a spell on Jorge that would cause him to back away from Victor, which diminished their growing powers. However, Voldemort didn’t know that Victor was also a demigod, a son of Zeus. Victor waited 4 months to attack Voldemort because there was a mystical barrier preventing Victor from using his godly powers. When Victor encountered Voldemort, he summoned a lightning bolt from the sky that was so powerful that it vaporized Voldemort instantly. This freed Jorge from Voldemort’s spell and Victor and Jorge fell in love. Víctor learned that Jorge was also a demigod, a son of Poseidon, and both their wizard and demigod powers grew because of their strong bond. After graduating from Hogwarts, Víctor and Jorge realized that they had to learn more about their godly powers and so they went to space to train in the demigod schools that existed on the planets. Victor trained in Jupiter, while Jorge trained in Mercury. They maintained a long-distance relationship and, occasionally, one of them would visit the other by traveling through space using astronaut suits. Even though they have a long-distance relationship right now, they hope to finish their training and live together in the future where their bond will be even stronger.

Customer Description: My partner Jackie is 60 in October. We have been together for 21 years and we love adventures in our vans and on our cycles. Our longest running motor home was the VW named Fanny. We travelled the length and breadth of France in her. Our adventures solidify our love and relationship and fulfil our shared love of nature and the outdoors and exploring little known parts of Europe. We cycle in all seasons and on all terrains. We love old vans and recently traded Fanny in for o

Customer Description: My partner Jackie is 60 in October. We have been together for 21 years and we love adventures in our vans and on our cycles. Our longest-running motor home was the VW named Fanny. We traveled the length and breadth of France in her. Our adventures solidify our love and relationship and fulfill our shared love of nature and the outdoors and exploring little known parts of Europe. We cycle in all seasons and on all terrains. We love old vans and recently traded Fanny in for our new set up-our Toyota Granvia pulling our little caravan named Lola. We like endurance cycling and recently completed London to Paris and the coast to coast Uk with our niece Niamh. During lockdown, we cycled all the nooks and crannies in our local area and this year have added wild swimming to our adventures.

Customer Description: My husband Josh and I first met in Las Vegas on a pub crawl. It was not love at first sight, but he was very persistent and we ended up dancing and talking all night. I had purple hair when we met and he said I stuck out to him. He was from England and I was from Seattle so we didn’t think we’d ever see each other again. We stayed in contact and 2 months later I was on a plane to England! We spent 2 weeks traveling around England, Ireland and Scotland and fell in love along

Customer Description: My husband Josh and I first met in Las Vegas on a pub crawl. It was not love at first sight, but he was very persistent and we ended up dancing and talking all night. I had purple hair when we met and he said I stuck out to him. He was from England and I was from Seattle so we didn’t think we’d ever see each other again. We stayed in contact and 2 months later I was on a plane to England! We spent 2 weeks traveling around England, Ireland, and Scotland and fell in love along the way. Over the course of 3 years, we went to Mexico, Seattle, Germany, Belgium, Thailand, and then we moved to Australia for 6 months. We found a deep love of traveling and each other so we went back to Vegas to get married. It was magical with just us and 10 of our closest friends! We are now happily living in Vancouver, Canada with our fur baby and absolutely love it here. I love our story and I want to remind my husband of everything we’ve accomplished and how much he means to me.

Customer Description: Ok, a bit of a crazy idea but here goes: My boyfriend Noah and I (Evelyn) met via TikTok in May. He lives in Ontario, Canada and I live in the U.S. We're both creators and messaged each other and quickly flirting turned into attraction which turned into love. Unfortunately, we were separated by a border closure between the U.S. and Canada and didn't know if or when we'd be able to meet each other in person. We got by on daily Snapchats, FaceTimes, and texting until we final

Customer Description: Ok, a bit of a crazy idea but here goes: My boyfriend Noah and I (Evelyn) met via TikTok in May. He lives in Ontario, Canada and I live in the U.S. We're both creators and messaged each other, and quickly flirting turned into an attraction which turned into love. Unfortunately, we were separated by a border closure between the U.S. and Canada and didn't know if or when we'd be able to meet each other in person. We got by on daily Snapchats, FaceTimes, and texting until we finally found a way for him to visit me in the U.S. for the first time, after COVID tests, quarantines, and of course masks. (photo of our first kiss in the airport attached). Our online brands each have a funny royal title (actually devised totally separately which makes it even odder). His is "The Weasel King" and mine is "The Bi-Rex (think T-Rex) Queen" I'd love it if you could do a story where The Weasel King (a real king with a pet ferret that follows him around) and The Bi-Rex Queen (same thing, a real queen with a pet t-rex wearing a bisexual flag cape), are falling in love over a great distance between their two kingdoms at the same time as our real selves are texting, FaceTiming, etc. Ending with the King/Noah going on a journey to meet the Queen/Me and capturing that first kiss moment in the end. Our social media handles on TikTok are @marcusterritory and @etrainlife if you need any additional images of us. Also he's 6'6" and I'm 5'6" if you want to play with that at all.

Customer Description: I would please love to have you draw the story of my brother Topher, 25 years-old, 6’3”, and his girlfriend of 5 years Patricia, 25 years-old, 5’7”. They met when they were in college, attending Augustana (a small college located in Rock Island IL). Topher was in the middle of the breakup process with his former girlfriend, Patricia, or Trish, was also in the process of breaking it off with a boyfriend. They met at a party one night. Patricia’s beloved grandfather had given

Customer Description: I would please love to have you draw the story of my brother Topher, 25 years old, 6’3”, and his girlfriend of 5 years Patricia, 25 years old, 5’7”. They met when they were in college, attending Augustana (a small college located in Rock Island IL). Topher was in the middle of the breakup process with his former girlfriend, Patricia, or Trish, who was also in the process of breaking it off with a boyfriend. They met at a party one night. Patricia’s beloved grandfather had given her the nickname “blondie” when she was growing up so when my brother referred to her as “blondie” within moments of meeting, Patricia knew he was special. Although sparks did start for them at that party, the night they fell in love was a warm spring night. They drove out to a golf course nearby, snuck onto the property, and laid on the course, talking about life and looking at the stars. They began dating shortly thereafter and took a big step forward when they decided to purchase an Australian Shepherd puppy that they named Chubbs, despite absolutely everyone telling them that was a horrible idea. The two of them grew closer in college and had the most fun of any couple I’ve ever known. They had a large group of friends and my brother threw parties every night at his fraternity house. Topher and Patricia graduated together and tried the long distance thing for a couple of months. My brother moved back home with our parents in Bettendorf IA and Patricia did the same with her family in Elmhurst IL, a small suburb outside of Chicago. Eventually, Topher landed a job in the same city as Patricia and moved nearby with friends. Chubbs of course was involved in all of it. Throughout the couple of years that they lived apart, but in the same town, they went to more EDM music festivals than one could count. My brother always rocking his rainbow overalls and Patricia wearing something cute, like she just got back from Woodstock. She introduced him to Black Hawk hockey games in Chicago and that became their favorite passions. This spring they decided to get their first apartment together and now the trio is living their happily ever, finishing master's degrees. My brother is stubborn and can be very frustrating, but he’s the funniest person I know. Trish loves him to death and adores him, flaws and all. The pair have been through a lot and I would love to give them a tangible way of looking at their love story. Ideally, I would love to have it start at the party where Topher called her blondie (the photo of them with Patricia in the purple isn’t from that party but that is what they looked like 5 years ago). Their romantic night on the golf course (sadly I do not have a photo to help with the visuals from that night), them with their best pal Chubbs, their college graduation, having a blast at a music fest, and ending on them in their apartment together. I don’t have a photo of them in their apartment, but I do have a shot of their apartment!

Customer Description:I am looking for something just sharing memories for my parents 40th Anniversary. They love adventures. 1. Maybe One depicting their honeymoon on the ship Phantome (pics attached) 2. showing them tent camping 3. they loved mountain biking and kayaking in a tandem kayak so maybe one showing something like that 4. They are Jehovah's Witnesses which is a big part of their life (attached a photo of them at a JW convention) 5. They moved to Ecuador (I attached a pic of them in Ec

Customer Description: I am looking for something just sharing memories for my parent's 40th Anniversary. They love adventures. 1. Maybe One depicting their honeymoon on the ship Phantom (pics attached) 2. showing them tent camping 3. they loved mountain biking and kayaking in a tandem kayak so maybe one showing something like that 4. They are Jehovah's Witnesses which is a big part of their life (attached a photo of them at a JW convention) 5. They moved to Ecuador (I attached a pic of them in Ecuador) 6. And the last saying Happy 40th Anniversary I hope all this makes sense. I added a few pics for reference and hope I'm not too much of a pain in being so specific. Because they live in Ecuador, I can't send a gift. The cards can come to me to hang on to but I am more concerned about them getting emailed to them.

Customer Description:Hi. My name is Kenny. And I wanted to create an “our story” for my wife Maria. I would love to capture the magic our first couple dates, all leading up to our 3rd date, where we both knew we were in for something special. Here is a suggestion for the 6 parts Part 1 - Maria is a 3rd grade teacher - After school one day, once all of her students were gone, I went into her classroom to talk to her - I asked her out for a coffee date and she agreed Part 2 - We went on our first

Customer Description: Hi. My name is Kenny. And I wanted to create an “our story” for my wife Maria. I would love to capture the magic of our first couple of dates, all leading up to our 3rd date, where we both knew we were in for something special. Here is a suggestion for the 6 parts Part 1 - Maria is a 3rd grade teacher - After school one day, once all of her students were gone, I went into her classroom to talk to her - I asked her out for a coffee date and she agreed Part 2 - We went on our first date to a coffee shop called “Roasters” - It was raining outside - I brought playing cards, and I taught Maria how to play a family game called “Dutch Poker” - We bonded over our favorite rainy day music, I liked “Bon Iver” and she liked “Nat King Cole” - It was an amazing date Part 3 - For our second date, we went mini golfing at “Golf Universe” - We made a bet, whoever lost had to buy the other person desert - She made a hole-in-one on the last very hole to beat me - I had to buy her a pastry - It was another amazing date Part 4 - Feeling so great after our first 2 dates, I called up Maria and asked if she wanted to go for a drive together and just listen to music - Maria declined because she was getting nervous and wasn’t sure she was ready for a relationship. She had just gotten out of a tough breakup - I was heartbroken, thinking maybe she wasn’t into me Part 5 - I felt like I had one last chance with Maria - I called her up and asked her over to my apartment and told her I would cook her dinner and desert - She hesitantly agreed Part 6 - I cooked her curry and brownies - Over dinner, we had a deep conversation about tough past relationships and how scary it was to start something new - I told Maria that she is the most amazing person I'd ever met and that deserves love - It was after this deep, vulnerable conversation that we knew were meant for each other - We never looked back We have been together for 5 years, married for 3.

Customer Description: I met my husband Charlie in the gym - I was 27 and he was 29. He was truly the most beautiful man that I had ever seen. He showed up frequently at the gym with different tall blonds (I am petite/brown hair) – typically on his motorcycle. Several months later, I saw Charlie at a club named “Dragon Lady.” I was with several girlfriends and he was with some friends. We danced and he bought us drinks. All through the night he kept telling me I wasn’t his type, and he kept askin

Customer Description: I met my husband Charlie in the gym - I was 27 and he was 29. He was truly the most beautiful man that I had ever seen. He showed up frequently at the gym with different tall blonds (I am petite/brown hair) – typically on his motorcycle. Several months later, I saw Charlie at a club named “Dragon Lady.” I was with several girlfriends and he was with some friends. We danced and he bought us drinks. All through the night, he kept telling me I wasn’t his type, and he kept asking me out. I said no. Later that evening, he asked me and my friends to come to his house since the club was closing. We said yes, and he went to the restroom. While he was in the restroom we ran out of the club and all went home. I saw Charlie in the gym over the next several months. He would ask me to do all kinds of things with him – would I go to the Keys with him and his friends on a private plane, would I go to dinner, etc. I saw him again at Dragon Lady and finally agreed to go on a date. The date I agreed to was for lunch – Cooker B&G – on November 18, 1995. It was the one-year anniversary of Charlie’s dad passing away. After that, I was very excited about getting to know Charlie. I was going to college, and Charlie was a chemical engineer. He was also trying to be a model. I remember going to his house so he could show me his modeling pictures –many of which he was in underwear. We went out on new year’s eve – 1995. He told me that he was in love with me – and I told him that he was drunk. He told me that drunk people do not lie. This was the start of our wonderful life. We traveled frequently – typically, for a long weekend to Vegas – that was our favorite. We would gamble at a cheap dollar table – typically blackjack. On March 15, 1999, while we were in Vegas we took a drive to the Grand Canyon. We stopped at McDonald's for lunch – and Charlie had the fish filet sandwich. He would not stop clearing his through and when I asked what was wrong, he kept telling me that he had fish caught in his throat. We got engaged that day at the Grand Canyon – it was a beautifully romantic proposal! We planned to elope and got married on December 17, 1999, at the Little White Chapel in Vegas. A year later, on December 16, 2000, we got married again in the catholic church. In 2002, I graduated from law school and we moved to Orlando. We bought a small house and lived there for a year. In 2003 we moved to a gorgeous house on a lake. We would sit on our dock in the evenings and talk about how thankful, grateful, and blessed we were to have the life that we have. In 2006 we traveled to Chile and I got pregnant on that trip. Our son was born on April 1, 2007. We were drinking way too much wine on that trip to Chile and we named our son Malbec – after a grape used in Chile to make wine. We built our dream house in 2017 – a super modern house that is our paradise. After we moved in we got our first cat Mimo, our dog Coco, and then another cat – Mama.

Customer Description: My name is Kodi and this story is for my girlfriend (Yasmin), we’re in a long distance relationship at the moment and I think this would be a great gift. I would like the story to be manga style in B&W except for her orange space suit should be in color (she really likes her space suit). She loves space and has her own custom space suit like in the picture. So for this story I’d like for her to be the heroin. She gave me this bracelet when we first started dating and it loo

Customer Description: My name is Kodi and this story is for my girlfriend (Yasmin), we’re in a long distance relationship at the moment and I think this would be a great gift. I would like the story to be manga style in B&W except for her orange spacesuit should be in color (she really likes her spacesuit). She loves space and has her own custom spacesuit like in the picture. So for this story, I’d like for her to be the heroin. She gave me this bracelet when we first started dating and it looks like a little earth and I’ve never taken it off. We also love outdoors/adventures so the story can be while hiking she gives me this bracelet as a gift and soon after I get abducted by aliens. The bracelet is made up a special one of a kind stone so she is able to track it, she (also likes Tesla and Elon Musk and she's in the Air Force) so she could convince Elon to give her a space ship or something lol then gets in her spacesuit and space ship catches up to the mothership and sneaks in. She gets past all security and booby traps and finds where I am being held but the aliens won’t let me go unless she can solve a super hard math problem (she always says math is her weakness because God knew she’d be too powerful if she could do the math). But in this story, she solves it by confidently guessing and saves me and we fly off together in her spaceship, me being impressed and curious how she solved asks where she then confesses

Customer Description:This is a Christmas gift for my mother-in-law as a thank you for how great she is with the kids. I’m picturing a kind of magic school bus adventure where each kid goes on a special, magical adventure with her. They call her “Gigi”. The first part could be the kids being dropped off at Gigi’s house. The next 4 would be the kids having individual adventures with Gigi. And the last one is all of them coming back home to mom and dad, tired. The oldest girl in the picture is Moll

Customer Description: This is a Christmas gift for my mother-in-law as a thank you for how great she is with the kids. I’m picturing a kind of magic school bus adventure where each kid goes on a special, magical adventure with her. They call her “Gigi”. The first part could be the kids being dropped off at Gigi’s house. The next 4 would be the kids having individual adventures with Gigi. And the last one is all of them coming back home to mom and dad, tired. The oldest girl in the picture is Molly, her ideal adventure with Gigi would be going underwater with whales. The next oldest is Ada, who would love to visit a princess castle. The oldest boy in the picture is Charlie, who would love to go back with dinosaurs. The youngest boy is Peter. He could be like baby yoda from the Mandalorian with Gigi taking him on a spaceship.

Customer Description: You’re probably wondering how we got here... Welp, it all started circa 2015, when a dashingly handsome Texan crossed paths with a beautiful young physicians assistant student on a mission to conquer The Big Apple. They hit it off instantly. Conversation flowed seamlessly. It was like a romance novel! They went to the Inauguration Ball and dressed up fancy for banquets and even set front row at a LA Lakers game. “Lets Go Lebron!! (He yelled)” He cherished her deeply. She wa

Customer Description: You’re probably wondering how we got here... Welp, it all started circa 2015, when a dashingly handsome Texan crossed paths with a beautiful young physician's assistant student on a mission to conquer The Big Apple. They hit it off instantly. Conversation flowed seamlessly. It was like a romance novel! They went to the Inauguration Ball and dressed up fancy for banquets and even set front row at a LA Lakers game. “Let's Go, Lebron!! (He yelled)” He cherished her deeply. She was his inspiration. As he embraced her during the Jamaican sunset it all became clear. He thought to himself “I’m going to marry this woman” ... now let proposal planning begin.

Customer Description: My name is Cameron, and my girlfriend’s name is Kim. We met at Berkeley in 2015 and have been dating ever since. My close friend from college, Connor, was moving there for the Summer for an internship. I was helping him move because he has a broken collar bone. The house that he was moving to was where my current girlfriend was living at the time. I helped him move there and so we knocked on the door and there was no answer. I remember jumping up and looking through the gla

Customer Description: My name is Cameron, and my girlfriend’s name is Kim. We met at Berkeley in 2015 and have been dating ever since. My close friend from college, Connor, was moving there for the Summer for an internship. I was helping him move because he has a broken collar bone. The house that he was moving to was where my current girlfriend was living at the time. I helped him move there and so we knocked on the door and there was no answer. I remember jumping up and looking through the glass of the door and seeing Kim, my girlfriend, through the glass. She immediately caught my eye. We walked into the house and I met all of the girls that were currently living there. I only remembered Kim’s name. The entire weekend we only interacted two times. Once when I was walking to the shower in just a towel and we passed each other in the hall - we were both super shy. And then another time when she was doing the dishes in the early morning and we were talking about her major. I was a business major and asked what she was majoring in. She said business as well and I was trying to convince her to study biology. After the weekend was over, we left and didn’t even have each other's phone numbers. I remember taking the train back home and feeling so weird leaving her. I later told her that it felt like there was a string connected from my heart to hers and that as I traveled farther away it was being stretched. We didn’t talk for weeks after that because I thought she was dating another guy. She had gone on one date with him and wasn’t interested. I was too busy taking summer courses to text her. One day when I was frustrated at my classes she snaps chatted me starting a conversation. It was an emoji of an egg hatching out of its shell. I texted her super late that night after finishing my project. We talked nonstop after that. Getting to know each other more and more. We texted for at least 1 month straight. Until she got back to Berkeley for the fall term. I hadn’t left back to Cal Poly SLO yet so we decided to meet up in SF for a date. I took the train up (which I almost missed). She was 2 hours late but I waited for her at union square. We walked all through the city, for hours talking. She said she wasn’t hungry or anything - she later said she was embarrassed to say she wanted to eat somewhere. After that we met up a second time in SF, we went to Pier 39 to watch the seals. I put my arm around her because I couldn’t resist and she seemed cold! I could tell from her body language that she felt awkward from that. On our next date, we held hands and had our first kiss. She got more comfortable over time l. I left for college and came back in October to interview for full-time positions. We met up again and I told her I loved her at the train station. She just hugged me but I knew that it meant she loved me too. we have been dating for 6 years now! I am 27 and she is 25.

Customer Description: I really want cards showing moments throughout our relationship. I attached pictures of the two of us: 1 This one would be a picture of us kissing in front of a big window over looking Central Park. I am wearing a silly dark green slip dress and he is wearing a button down. 2 Next is us eating at a dinner. He asks me out. He has eggs and I have a huge stack of chocolate chip pancakes. (Important details otherwise I wouldn’t include it) 3 The next scene is him breaking up wi

Customer Description: I really want cards showing moments throughout our relationship. I attached pictures of the two of us: 1 This one would be a picture of us kissing in front of a big window overlooking Central Park. I am wearing a silly dark green slip dress and he is wearing a button-down. 2 Next is us eating at dinner. He asks me out. He has eggs and I have a huge stack of chocolate chip pancakes. (Important details otherwise I wouldn’t include it) 3 The next scene is him breaking up with me at a basketball game. 4 Then is us FaceTiming during quarantine and he asks me out over the phone. he is wearing a grey champion sweatshirt. 5 Then I left for college so we said goodbye (in someway symbolizes how we are always saying hi and bye because we are long distance) 6 Lastly, I want it to end with the two of us hugging and something having to do with forever.

Customer Description: How we met and fell in love It all started when we met in the village of Besakoa Ambany. Milliasse was working on his thesis fieldwork counting lemurs and sifaka. He would hike long distances over rough rocks and it was hard on his feet. I was visiting for the first time, to support the village's new school. I noticed Milliasse's strong work ethhic and long eyelashes. Then when I was back in Canada, Milliasse messaged to say could he work with me next year on the Red Book C

Customer Description: How we met and fell in love It all started when we met in the village of Besakoa Ambany. Milliasse was working on his thesis fieldwork counting lemurs and sifaka. He would hike long distances over rough rocks and it was hard on his feet. I was visiting for the first time, to support the village's new school. I noticed Milliasse's strong work ethic and long eyelashes. Then when I was back in Canada, Milliasse messaged to say could he work with me next year on the Red Book Challenge project. I thought about it and knew he was a hard worker so I said Yes. Soon April came around and Doria, Milliasse, and I were a team working and living closely together for two months in Berenty. Over the weeks and months, my emails home would mention Milliasse more and more. Monica guessed that we might soon become a couple but I said No way, things were strictly professional. Then came our trip to Ambovombe where I rode on the back of Milliasse's motorcycle for the first time. Molasse said hold on tight but I was hesitant thinking it might cause me to have unprofessional feelings. Haha. On our trip, many people would mistake us for a couple saying we looked quite nice together. But we said Oh no, we work together. Then came a visit to Milliasse's family which became an overnight visit. They were so kind and welcoming, making me feel like a very special guest. They even gave me the gift of a rooster at the end of the visit and I named him Mr. Cheeky Beaky. Soon stirrings of romantic feelings started for Milliasse and me. But this caused a conundrum because we were still working together and wanted to keep things professional. Sometimes we would go out to the restaurant for a change of pace and Milliasse and I would separate from the group and secretly hold hands. One night we were walking home under the stars and saw a shooting star. I secretly wished that we would get married! So things happened pretty fast. Fast forward to the drive together to the airport in Tana where I would be saying Goodbye to Milliasse for months. Milliasse asked me a few questions about marriage ceremonies in Canada again and specifically about the ring. He said maybe he had something for me and maybe he could give it to me now or later. I said ....maybe later. haha because I was nervous! And he said maybe now. And put the ring he had picked out for me on my finger. That is pretty much how we got engaged in the back of the van driving to the airport. But there were a lot of things about marriage and weddings and so on that, we had to talk about still. Plus the ring he had found was kind of fragile and broke after constant wearing for a month. So fast forward again to when we, Mom (Valerie) and I, met Milliasse in Nairobi Kenya. I was very nervous and was so relieved when I saw Milliasse dressed in his best suit coming down the airport stairs to meet us. He had had a lot more time to work on getting a more suitable ring and when we were in the dark of the back seat of the taxi he slipped.

Customer Description: Stacey- 37, F, teacher, Ohio State University fan Emanuel- 32, M, truck driver, University of Georgia fan Met online First date- Cold Stone Creamery First trip- Lake Lanier - Moved in together March 2020 Stacey- 37, F, teacher, Emanuel- 32, M, truck driver I want you to create a story about our relationship so far. : ) We met online, and our first date, June 2019, was to Cold Stone Creamery for our favorite, ice cream. Our first trip together was to Lake Lanier Islands to e

Customer Description: Stacey- 37, F, teacher, Ohio State University fan Emanuel- 32, M, truck driver, University of Georgia fan Met online First date- Cold Stone Creamery First trip- Lake Lanier - Moved in together March 2020 Stacey- 37, F, teacher, Emanuel- 32, M, truck driver I want you to create a story about our relationship so far. : ) We met online, and our first date, June 2019, was to Cold Stone Creamery for our favorite, ice cream. Our first trip together was to Lake Lanier Islands to enjoy some sun and water park adventures in the summer of 2019. We moved in together in March 2020, right before quarantine, but he’s an essential worker, so he worked throughout the pandemic. While stuck at home, we have enjoyed playing video games, watching movies/ TV shows, and cooking together.

Customer Description: I met my boyfriend Zach (27) during quarantine in April 2020 on hinge. I, Janet, (29) was in Miami in my childhood home and he was in New Jersey in his childhood home quarantining because of Coronavirus. One of the first things I asked him on Hinge was if he treated women as well as he treats his cats and he said "he'd like to think so". We had a video date that went really well. He was walking around nervously in his house and I was sitting in my room with my face on camer

Customer Description: I met my boyfriend Zach (27) during quarantine in April 2020 on Hinge. I, Janet, (29) was in Miami in my childhood home and he was in New Jersey in his childhood home quarantining because of Coronavirus. One of the first things I asked him on Hinge was if he treated women as well as he treats his cats and he said "he'd like to think so". We had a video date that went really well. He was walking around nervously in his house and I was sitting in my room with my face on camera. Towards the end of the date he played the song "cooler than me" and "hey brother" and I told him I loved music. We texted for a few weeks after that, sparingly, with him sending me pictures of his backyard and his dogs when his parents got back to New Jersey from Florida. I then went to Philly for the summer where I was working remotely from my apartment on my Ford internship. He and I started going on dates. On our first date, we went out to drinks in Philadelphia and had mozzarella sticks and at the end of the date we kissed in Rittenhouse square right by a statue of a lion and he walked me home. We met up again a week later and went on a sushi date, we ate outside because of Coronavirus. He brought a bottle of wine to the date and I paid because we were celebrating that he just got a job. We then went to my apartment and had sparkling red wine. Our third date was that Saturday and we went to an Italian restaurant but he didn't make reservations so we had to walk around hot Philadelphia looking for somewhere to eat. He might've been doing his trick on me where he has told girls he will take them somewhere fancy but doesn't make reservations so that when they get there there are no seats. We ended up eating somewhere else and then going to my apartment. The next morning we woke up and he drove me to the Philadelphia airport to get a rental car to go visit my sister, Chaya, in Long Island and her new baby (Sophie) with her wife (Coopie). I then spent a weekend with him, his parents, and his sister in the Jersey Shore house they have and spent many weekends there with them. We also went to Miami where my parents live during Christmas Break, Fort Myers where his parents spend the Winter months, and then to Naples to the new house, they moved into. I have done many trips without him because I am in my MBA program but I miss him every time, I have gone to Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Cape Cod, Baltimore, Washington DC, and even the Jersey Shore with big groups of friends while he stays behind. I turned 30 while we were dating and I had a 90's party to celebrate (he didn't come) but he did come to a Castle me and 40 friends rented for Halloween and he celebrated my birthday there. In the castle, we hiked, played chess, did a Game of Thrones drinking game (we were the white walkers), and more. As of now, it is January and we are 6 months into our relationship and very happy.

Customer Description: Mathilde/Matthias:Part 1:Met in 2020 online. First thing he said to me was: “Why is the woman of my dreams living so far away from me?” I found him so funny and we hit it off straight away but because he lives in Belgium and I live in Ireland, limited to texting, which we did, ALLLL the time! Part 2: After three months we were finally going to meet for the first time! I went to Belgium and I organised a beautiful apartment with a big balcony in Zeebrugge with a view on a ha

Customer Description: Mathilde/Matthias: Part 1:Met in 2020 online. The first thing he said to me was: “Why is the woman of my dreams living so far away from me?” I found him so funny and we hit it off straight away but because he lives in Belgium and I live in Ireland, limited to texting, which we did, ALLLL the time! Part 2: After three months we were finally going to meet for the first time! I went to Belgium and I organized a beautiful apartment with a big balcony in Zeebrugge with a view of a harbor. The moment we laid eyes on each other, we both knew we had just fallen deeply for each other. It was “a coup de foudre”! I was wearing a little black dress and he was wearing a beautiful white shirt and navy dark blue trousers. He is very tall, nearly 2m whereas I’m about 1m70. Part 3: He took me out to this gastronomic 5-star restaurant in Bruges (a city in Belgium) with high candles on the tables. He was wearing a beautiful dark navy suit and I was wearing a long satin, dark navy blue one-shoulder drape dress. Our round table was in the middle of the restaurant but all we could see was each other. Our eyes were glued on each other and we had such a beautiful night where we ended up walking through the old streets of Bruges under the stars. I love the way he holds me. He always puts one hand on the back of my neck and holds me like that. Part 4: We both are very competitive in games. One of the games we play in the living room is that we both sit on our knees and feet in front of each other. The goal is to get the socks of the other person first. Because he is so tall, of course, he always wins! It always ends up with him pointing his hand, with my sock, high in the air and using his other hand to hold me down on the ground while I’m trying to catch my breath from all the laughing. The other game we love to play where I win is Monopoly. It would be funny to draw something where it is clear that we’re playing the game and that all the money is with me, haha! At least both will have a win. Part 5: Reunited again. We rented an apartment this time in Gent and he showed me the entire city. We spent a lot of time cuddling and spooning on the L-shaped sofa, watched some David Attenborough, and ate our all-time favorite biscuits together which are called “Café noir biscuits” from Delacre. Then we celebrated NY’s Eve with some Champagne. We had all we wanted, each other. Part 6: This part would be a little representation of the future. I’m not sure what could be included in the drawing but I’m open to any ideas. We both want marriage, three children (1 boy, then 2 girls). We definitely want a dog, a golden retriever, called “Bibi”. Love the car Volvo XC40. He is a lawyer and I’m on my path to become a psychotherapist. Maybe a drawing of us five and the dog looking at a beautiful future house (with a Volvo in front) so that our backs are shown. Him holding me like I love, the back of my neck and then the two little girls on my side and the boy on his side. Something like that?

Customer Description: My name is Luke, and my gorgeous girlfriend's name is Kaitlyn. We fell in love very quickly and have plans to marry once we’re together again. Right now she is on a 6 month missions trip to Mexico so we are long distance for the interim. I wanted to surprise her with some of our most enjoyable and favorite memories. Part 1: We met 8-29 and had our first date at an outdoor ice cream shop and both got teaberry. We talked about our testimonies with God and spent a few hours at

Customer Description: My name is Luke, and my gorgeous girlfriend's name is Kaitlyn. We fell in love very quickly and have plans to marry once we’re together again. Right now she is on a 6-month mission trip to Mexico so we are a long distance for the interim. I wanted to surprise her with some of our most enjoyable and favorite memories. Part 1: We met 8-29 and had our first date at an outdoor ice cream shop and both got teaberry. We talked about our testimonies with God and spent a few hours at night just talking. Her most memorable quote was "I just want a man to lead me and serve God with," and at that moment I fell for her. Pictures 1 and 2 are what we wore on our first date and picture 3 is the ice cream shop for using illustrations. I was hoping the first part could be a picture of us eating ice cream and her telling me that quote with a look of amazement on my face. Part 2: 9-26- after a handful of dates, she spontaneously invited me over to cut pumpkins. We ended up staying up all night together until 5:30 am. We played pool, looked at her old yearbook photos, and talking about everything. I remember being in her living room and at that moment I already knew she would be the one. The quote I remember telling her was “when you know you know”. Photo 4 is what we wore that night. And photo 5 is a picture of the living room scenery. I was hoping part 2 could be me telling her “when you know you know” while we were laying on the living room floor at 5:30 am while playing Life on her living room floor. Part 3: 10-12- we flew out to Arizona together. In this picture, I would like for you to draw a picture of us swimming together in Lake Pleasant with me holding her in the water. Photo 6 is a picture of Lake Pleasant. Part 4 10-23- we spent the night cuddled together in my living room. In this picture, I would like for you to draw us cuddled together with her telling me how she knew “God told her I was the one she would marry” and my face being in loving awe. Photo 7 is a picture of us cuddled together that night. Part 5 12-28- we had a photoshoot in Harrisburg, PA. I want you to draw a picture exactly like photo 8, please with me saying “No matter how old we are, I always want to make your dreams come true”. Part 6 1-2- we went back to where we had our first date together. We sat in my car as I shared with her my notebook that had written everything we did over the last 4 months together. I gave her a promise ring to signify the promise that during these 6 months apart I will still be loving her continually and will wait until I can hold her again. I would like for this to be a picture of her wearing the ring with me saying “I promise I will love you and will propose to you when we’re reunited”. Photo 9 is a picture of the opal ring on her finger. Photo 10 is what the inside of my car looks like. Please let me know if you have any questions! Thank you so much! Grace and peace -Luke Showers

Customer Description: Laken and I have been in a long distance relationship for about three years. She lives in Thailand, while I, in Singapore. We first met while I was on holiday in Phuket back in 2018. We had our first date while I was in Phuket by the beach. It was a calm breezy night, with skies so clear you could see tons of stars. We were about to have our first kiss that night when a nearby fireworks display was set off. It was beautiful. Even more beautiful that I get to spend that mome

Customer Description: Laken and I have been in a long distance relationship for about three years. She lives in Thailand, while I, in Singapore. We first met while I was on holiday in Phuket back in 2018. We had our first date while I was in Phuket by the beach. It was a calm breezy night, with skies so clear you could see tons of stars. We were about to have our first kiss that night when a nearby fireworks display was set off. It was beautiful. Even more beautiful that I get to spend that moment with her. I would like to tell her that even though we’re far apart, I will be loving her always. (P.s. I’m gonna propose to her this year).

Customer Description: My husband (Scott) and I are both active duty military. We have been married 6 going on 7 years. We got married on my first deployment through double proxy, August 2013. I was in Afghanistan and he was in Korea. We then had our ceremony May 2014 and moved to Maryland. Scott and I have lived in 3 different locations soon to be 4 since our marriage. We have two beautiful children. Harold (5 years) and Shea (2 years). We have been apart numerous of times but this is the first

Customer Description: My husband (Scott) and I are both active-duty military. We have been married 6 going on 7 years. We got married on my first deployment through a double proxy, August 2013. I was in Afghanistan and he was in Korea. We then had our ceremony in May 2014 and moved to Maryland. Scott and I have lived in 3 different locations soon to be 4 since our marriage. We have two beautiful children. Harold (5 years) and Shea (2 years). We have been apart numerous times but this is the first time Mom has been gone. Mom will be in Kuwait (working with mail). Dad will be juggling both Mom and Dad for the next 7 months along with flying the C-130 for the world's greatest Air Force. I could not do what I do without him and am beyond grateful to have him as my partner and can not wait to be reunited.

Customer Description: 1. We are so proud of you son for for your recent acceptance into the University of Texas - show Jose open and reading UT acceptance letter wearing burnt orange shirt maybe with same family around (party atmosphere) 2. We know how passionate you are about your decision to study petroleum engineering. You are going to do great things and change the world. - show Jose thinking (maybe with thought bubble) about becoming a petroleum engineer with nuances of engineering/math/and

Customer Description: 1. We are so proud of you son for your recent acceptance into the University of Texas - show Jose open and reading UT acceptance letter wearing burnt orange shirt maybe with the same family around (party atmosphere) 2. We know how passionate you are about your decision to study petroleum engineering. You are going to do great things and change the world. - show Jose thinking (maybe with a thought bubble) about becoming a petroleum engineer with nuances of engineering/math/and oil/gas around. 3. packing up and heading to Austin, TX. - Show Jose in-car filled with a bunch of stuff you have to have heading to college with a sign that says "Austin - 150 miles". 4. You will move into the dorms and meet new friends. 5. I know you will study hard and push yourself to achieve success - show Jose at the library studying hard with some kind of 4.0 or good grade indicator. 6. We will always support you, Jose. We love you and are so very proud. Good luck! - show family wishing him luck and showing support in a loving way.

Customer Description: We met November of 2019. I met her inin her mom ckmincoming over with anotheranother friend. We sat at her kitchen table for hours and just talked. We always say we met at her worst. Hadn't showered in days. Hair in a messy bun and feeling down. ButBut I fell inin love with her instantly. I then called her and always invited myself over. I worked nightnights so I'd come overover after work and fall asleep on her couch with her. I'd like the first page to be her with flies a

Customer Description: We met in November of 2019. I met her in her mom's incoming over with another friend. We sat at her kitchen table for hours and just talked. We always say we met at her worst. Hadn't showered in days. Hair in a messy bun and feeling down. ButBut I fell in love with her instantly. I then called her and always invited myself over. I worked nightlights so I'd come over after work and fall asleep on her couch with her. I'd like the first page to be her with flies all around her looking tired and have me just staring at her across the table like she is the most beautiful woman in the world. Then we moved into our own home together. We always take drives to the river or the woods. We love to go hiking. I rented a cabin in Cresent and we stayed for the weekend. It was amazing. It had a back-top deck with the river running next to it. I'd like that in our story too. We have 9 kids together. 16-year-old girl. 12-year-old boy, 11-year-old boy. Identical triplet girls that are 10. 8-year-old boy. A 6-year-old boy and a 2-year-old boy. We don't get a lot of time together but when we do it's amazing. We just celebrated 1 year together for the new Year. I took her to Lincoln city. We had a hotel with a jacuzzi tub right on the beach. Could hear and see the ocean from. Our back door.Was only 20 feet away. Please make it funny and very loving. Her name is Kayla, my name is Steve. I'm 33 abdand she is turninturning 30 on Jan 20th. I like her to relieve these all beforebefore her birthday.ip.

Customer Description: When Hannah and I first started dating in college I would take her to the tops of skyscrapers under construction in Austin,TX that overlooked the city. We would slow dance on their rooftops to songs from the 1950s and stare out at the world like we owned it. I met her in a running group at our university and we dated throughout our time in Uni. We would go backpacking frequently and one time after a tough 23 mile hike in the deserts of Canyon Lands, Utah, I decided I could

Customer Description: When Hannah and I first started dating in college I would take her to the tops of skyscrapers under construction in Austin, TX that overlooked the city. We would slow dance on their rooftops to songs from the 1950s and stare out at the world like we owned it. I met her in a running group at our university and we dated throughout our time in Uni. We would go backpacking frequently and one time after a tough 23-mile hike in the deserts of Canyon Lands, Utah, I decided I could never love anybody more than I loved her. Her strength, willpower, and beauty struck me like a rock. We lived together after college for a short time and I will always remember our outdoor dinners next to a gentle creek with her beautiful sundress and perfect smile in candlelight. A bottle of red wine, and a heater at the ready because she was and is always cold. I am now an officer in the United States Marine Corps. Either states or countries apart, every time I go away, it seems to be for a longer and a longer period of time. Despite the intense training or miserable conditions, she is all I think about in my moments to myself. She typically writes a song for me when I leave for a long time and sings it to me before I go so I can remember it when I am alone. She is an amazing musician but very shy about her talent. She loves to run and the outdoors, as do I. No one can make me laugh as she does and we are absolute goof-balls around each other (typically I am a serious person). I am an avid reader. She loves to watch shows. She has thousands of one-liners from Disney movies memorized along with all their soundtracks. I listen to podcasts religiously, which she detests. We both enjoy backpacking and being alone with each other watching old Pixar and Disney films. Her 2 favorite films are Inside-Out and Spirit. I would like a story that shows the progression of where we started and where we are that also tells who we are. A story that shows that no matter where I go or what I do, returning to her is all I crave. I love what I do, but she is my everything. Her independence and compassion for others drive me to be better.I want to give her something to look at when she is alone and wants nothing more than to talk to me about her day. Hannah is female, I am male. We are both 23. She works for Dell as a global supply chain manager. She is my songbird.

Customer Description: My name is Jillian, and Courtney and I met in June of 2019 while we were both stationed in South Korea, we are both in the Air Force. We spent an entire, amazing year together in Korea and had the time of our lives while exploring the country, going out partying, and very quickly falling in love. Unfortunately when we left Korea in August of 2020, she went to Phoenix, AZ and I am now stationed in England. The long distance has been very challenging for us. We got married on

Customer Description: My name is Jillian, and Courtney and I met in June of 2019 while we were both stationed in South Korea, we are both in the Air Force. We spent an entire, amazing year together in Korea and had the time of our lives while exploring the country, going out partying, and very quickly falling in love. Unfortunately, when we left Korea in August of 2020, she went to Phoenix, AZ and I am now stationed in England. The long distance has been very challenging for us. We got married on October 1st, 2020 in an attempt to get stationed together. We both know that we have found the one, but we decided to wait to have a big wedding until we aren’t long distance so as of right now our families don’t know we got married and keeping that from them has been really hard, mostly because we are both just so happy and we want to be able to share that with people. We eloped in Phoenix and actually got married inside of a Costco. It was the happiest day of my life. We have been struggling with being apart. The long distance, although only 5 months now has been really difficult, and keeping our marriage a secret has been harder than we both anticipated. When we are together, we love to travel and explore, try new foods and get drinks. She loves to tickle me and says she loves my laugh even though I say I sound like a dying cat. We have 2 dogs who live with her in Phoenix and she is an amazing dog mom. Our latest obsession has become binge-watching the amazing race, and we are now bound and determined to get onto the show and win. We talk about how great we would be and how much fun we would have and what we would do with the million dollars. The past 2 months I have struggled with severe depression and that has taken a toll on both of us. I want her to know that I believe brighter days are ahead and that I appreciate her more than she could ever know, and I am so excited to be together again, wherever that is. And I am really looking forward to life with her by my side. She calls me: J, Mama, or babes I call her: C, baby, or babes (We never call each other by our full names, mostly C and J or the other pet names when we are feeling especially lovey. Courtney has short hair and I (Jillian) have long hair).

Customer Description: This is the story of Conor and Laura Favo’s favorite travel experience together, to Universal Studios. Laura had to convince Conor to go to Universal Studios. Conor was not too interested in this trip; Laura only convinced him to go was because of Harry Potter world. Conor rather enjoyed amusement parks over theme parks. He honestly thought that Universal studios was the same thing as Disneyworld (which Laura nearly killed him for saying). Laura was extremely organized and

Customer Description: This is the story of Conor and Laura Favo’s favorite travel experience together, to Universal Studios. Laura had to convince Conor to go to Universal Studios. Conor was not too interested in this trip; Laura only convinced him to go was because of the Harry Potter world. Conor rather enjoyed amusement parks over theme parks. He honestly thought that Universal studios were the same thing as Disneyworld (which Laura nearly killed him for saying). Laura was extremely organized and prepared for this trip. She picked out the best hotel and knew that the Thanksgiving holiday was the perfect time to go, with it being the least crowded as well as when the Christmas decorations were up all around the park. It was a 2-for-1 experience! They covered most of the park the first day. Conor really enjoyed Simpson’s experience, drinking Duff beer and hanging out with the Seven Duffs. They also did the Mummy, Spiderman, Jurassic Park, Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit, the Hulk, and many more. The most memorable ride was the Men-In-Black ride. It’s an interactive ride where you shoot the monsters with your weapon while riding. Laura made it a competition to see who would get the most points. Conor was destroying the monsters, really racking up the points. Laura tricked Conor into missing the bonus point round (the ride is designed to trick the riders). Laura knew the trick since she had been on the ride before and ended up winning. She was so happy with herself. (Picture in the files is an image from Google, Conor and Laura aren’t in the image and would have to be inserted in the drawing). The trip’s highlight was when they stumbled into Diagon Alley in Harry Potter. The place was full of magic. Conor/Laura spent the rest of the afternoon there. They even bought Ron Weasley's wand for the interactive exhibits throughout Diagon Alley. They spent the rest of that evening attending the Macy’s Day Parade, something Laura has wanted to go to at Universal Studios for quite some time. This was very special and full of color, balloons, and many characters. It was a really fun time. Conor and Laura spent most of the next day going between Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley at Harry Potter world. They enjoyed Butterbeer, all of the Harry Potter interactions, and even some of the adult beverages that are available for purchase in Hogsmeade. They got to the park early to get in the long lines of the Harry Potter rides and stayed late to watch the Hogwarts at the night show, with fireworks and lights. Conor was really into the Ron Weasley wand. He is holding it in a lot of photos. He wanted to play with it so much that he ended up fighting Laura for it, ultimately breaking her phone in the process. But that didn’t damper Laura’s spirits at all and they enjoyed all of the Harry Potter Rides. The trip was jam packed, full of rides, and full of laughs. Conor and Laura look back at it now with nothing but happiness and smiles. They cannot wait to travel again after the pandemic is over!

Customer Description: I'd like it to be as colorful as possible. As little white as possible. Thank you!! I adopted Karma 9 years ago (she's 10 now). I never thought I could adopt another dog because we are so attached. Until we found Lily Bug. Lily was found chained up outside someone's house in filth. She was severely underweight. I applied to adopt her but was nervous about Karma. I couldn't believe when Karma took to her immediately. On March 7, 2020, she came home to us and we immediately f

Customer Description: I'd like it to be as colorful as possible. As little white as possible. Thank you!! I adopted Karma 9 years ago (she's 10 now). I never thought I could adopt another dog because we are so attached. Until we found Lily Bug. Lily was found chained up outside someone's house in filth. She was severely underweight. I applied to adopt her but was nervous about Karma. I couldn't believe when Karma took to her immediately. On March 7, 2020, she came home to us and we immediately fell tail over paws for her. She was terrified of the world, though. Our hearts hurt so bad. Karma was so gentle, so caring. She was such a good example. She showed her how to be a beagle. That life wasn't so scary. That it could actually be fun. At first, walks were so important. They walked together paw to paw (photo). Lily Bug would watch her and after a few weeks do exactly what Karma did. It was beautiful to watch her bloom. I really believe, and will always believe Love Wins. Lily soon grew to be more assertive, to ask for what she wanted (which was usually cuddles!). She would curl up on my lap and I just melted. I live for her cuddles. Karma takes my legs and her my chest. I can't get enough of them. It's like she's been with us our whole lives. While this was happening I had a whole Twitter Family cheering us on. They were so important every step of the way. They provided love and guidance and support and more love. As my biological family isn't supportive they have become my true family. They even threw us an Adoption Shower! I feel like every day when I log on I'm getting a big hug from the entire world because of them. They are everything that's good in the world. My refrigerator is filled with holiday cards that stay up year-round and my walls filled with photos of them and all the happiness they bring. We might seem like a small, beautiful family here but really we are a small part of the most beautiful puppy family in the entire world. I'm so grateful every day to Karma who will forever look out for me, wait for me before even walking a step, and look out for Lily and myself. I'm so grateful for her kindness and compassion and the way she takes care of her sisfur, Lily Bug. I'm so grateful for Lily Bug and how she does everything she can to always be in my lap and snuggled as close as possible. I love how she adores our dear friends in the woods as much as I do. We really love our dear friends! I love how she is so beautiful and innocent and still learning how to be herself. I love how my Twitter Family makes me smile every day. And I love how, no matter what, love really has won. I could not have asked for a better family. P.S. The "bug" in Lily Bug's name is for a charity, The Beagle Bug Club, where we donate to rescue organizations. A lady bug is our symbol. P.P.S. I included a few photos of me so you know what I look like, too, just in case.

Customer Description: My name is Brian Ro (26 year old male) and Hye Ro is my mom. Please see reference photos. (1) When I was young, my mom emphasized my schoolwork. She hired tutors so that I can be better off in the future even though I just wanted to have fun. Please have the first drawing be of me working with a tutor as my mom watches behind us. (2) In high school, I competed in the sport of fencing and traveled around the world with her to go to competitions. I remember being in Paris try

Customer Description: My name is Brian Ro (26 year old male) and Hye Ro is my mom. Please see reference photos. (1) When I was young, my mom emphasized my schoolwork. She hired tutors so that I can be better off in the future even though I just wanted to have fun. Please have the first drawing be of me working with a tutor as my mom watches behind us. (2) In high school, I competed in the sport of fencing and traveled around the world with her to go to competitions. I remember being in Paris trying to carry our heavy suitcases and fencing bag up the subway stairs with her. Please have this drawing be of us struggling as we dragged our suitcases and fencing bag up the stairs of a Paris subway system. Please see reference for the fencing bag. (3) My mom was always there for me even when I lost in fencing. Please make this drawing be of me as I slouch over after losing a fencing match with my mom besides me with her arm over my shoulder. Please see reference for me in fencing uniform. (4) My mom was always my #1 fan when I won. Please have this drawing be of me as I where my medal on the podium stand with my mom cheering in the audience. I have added a photo for reference. (5) When I moved to DC for graduate school, I missed her every day. Please have this drawing be of me thinking about her in a thought-bubble while in my room with the Georgetown logo in the background. Please see references for Georgetown logo. (6) After getting into Columbia dental school which is near home, I will be able to see her more often. I remember waking up to a call from the dean calling about my acceptance as my mom waited anxiously outside my door. Please have this drawing be of me on the phone as my mom has her ear pressed against the door.

Customer Description: Hi, we're Abe and Anna Grace! I was born in England, he lived in France. We met, and then fell in love while traveling on a rep team for our college (first photo), and we've never stopped traveling since. Our first heart-to-heart was about how we both felt like we were supposed to go to Africa to serve in missions. So we decided to go! We themed our wedding off of the spot in West Africa that we were going to, and we flew in a friend from Cote d'Ivoire, West Africa to marry

Customer Description: Hi, we're Abe and Anna Grace! I was born in England, he lived in France. We met, and then fell in love while traveling on a rep team for our college (first photo), and we've never stopped traveling since. Our first heart-to-heart was about how we both felt like we were supposed to go to Africa to serve in missions. So we decided to go! We themed our wedding off of the spot in West Africa that we were going to, and we flew in a friend from Cote d'Ivoire, West Africa to marry us. For our honeymoon, Abe took me back to see my birth place in England (second photo). After that, we saved up our own money and went to live in West Africa for a year (third photo) to help build up a seminary school there. I did photography and design for the mission, and Abe developed the seminary program and taught national pastors in French (4th photo). After our year was up and we were about to come home, we found out that I was pregnant. We opted for a home birth back in the states (5th photo). Now we're watching out little human grow up before our eyes! We live back in the states now with our one-year-old Laurel Grey. (6th photo) We are learning and growing, and full of hope for all that's ahead. Life is so beautiful and God has been so good to us!

Customer Description: James will be six years old this year. He is an active boy who likes to ride his bike, roller skate and enjoys adventure tv. Can you depict him on an adventure through a forest with his trusty dog Santo, as he tries to find the hidden treasure of ‘Wuzzle Google’.

Customer Description: James will be six years old this year. He is an active boy who likes to ride his bike, roller skate and enjoys adventure tv. Can you depict him on an adventure through a forest with his trusty dog Santo, as he tries to find the hidden treasure of ‘Wuzzle Google’.

Customer Description: James will be six years old this year. He is an active boy who likes to ride his bike, roller skate and enjoys adventure tv. Can you produce a six set series where James is the commander of a space station on the moon with his trusty dog “Santo”. James must fly his space shuttle to inspect his moon base and fight off the invaders from Mars.

Customer Description: James will be six years old this year. He is an active boy who likes to ride his bike, roller skate and enjoys adventure tv. Can you produce a six set series where James is the commander of a space station on the moon with his trusty dog “Santo”. James must fly his space shuttle to inspect his moon base and fight off the invaders from Mars.

Customer Description: Michael and his wife Ashley become cursed by their Netflix account. They end up traveling through many movies and don't know if they will make it back home.

Customer Description: Michael and his wife Ashley become cursed by their Netflix account. They end up traveling through many movies and don't know if they will make it back home.

Customer Description: Sarah and I met at a Dog Park in Nashville, Tennessee and started dating, then we both moved to San Francisco for jobs, then to Austin and finally to Houston 9 years ago. Along the way, we have had 5 children and have a cat and a dog. I just want to send Sarah something special, out of the ordinary, for no reason whatsoever. She is a Super Mom and does wonderful things for me and my children. Thanks!!

Customer Description: Sarah and I met at a Dog Park in Nashville, Tennessee and started dating, then we both moved to San Francisco for jobs, then to Austin and finally to Houston 9 years ago. Along the way, we have had 5 children and have a cat and a dog. I just want to send Sarah something special, out of the ordinary, for no reason whatsoever. She is a Super Mom and does wonderful things for me and my children. Thanks!!

Customer Description: Derrick is from Dallas and Aline is from Brazil. Aline and Derrick first met back in 2010 when Aline was living in Rio De Janeiro and Derrick was living in Dallas. They began talking every night and began to learn everything about each other. Derrick decided to travel to Buenos Aires Argentina to teach English classes and Aline traveled from Brazil to meet him in Argentina. Their relationship continued to grow and in 2013 Aline moved to Texas. Aline and Derrick traveled as

Customer Description: Derrick is from Dallas and Aline is from Brazil. Aline and Derrick first met back in 2010 when Aline was living in Rio De Janeiro and Derrick was living in Dallas. They began talking every night and began to learn everything about each other. Derrick decided to travel to Buenos Aires Argentina to teach English classes and Aline traveled from Brazil to meet him in Argentina. Their relationship continued to grow and in 2013 Aline moved to Texas. Aline and Derrick traveled as much as possible, exploring different cities and cultures and soaking up every moment. Places including (Argentina, Brazil, Paris, Las Vegas, San Francisco and many more). in 2015 they started a family as the Lord blesses them with their first child, Lucas. In 2018, they were blessed again with the birth of their second son Kevin.

Customer Description: This story is for my fiancé.Part 1: Jen and I both went to Gonzaga. Before we met, we kept passing each other at this pathway between college hall and the school's church. Always the same spot, among all the people passing by, we kept locking eyes. We never talked, but there was something special.Part 2: After a series of connections and disconnections, Jen found me on Facebook. This entire time we had been living a courtyard apart from each other! One night, I suggested we

Customer Description: This story is for my fiancé.Part 1: Jen and I both went to Gonzaga. Before we met, we kept passing each other at this pathway between college hall and the school's church. Always the same spot, among all the people passing by, we kept locking eyes. We never talked, but there was something special.Part 2: After a series of connections and disconnections, Jen found me on Facebook. This entire time we had been living a courtyard apart from each other! One night, I suggested we do laundry in the community laundry room in the middle of the courtyard (building on the right in picture). I got ready and prepared (wearing the outfit with the brown T-shirt and jeans in the picture) faster than I ever have. At last, we were going to meet. Jen was holding the laundry room door open by leaning against it, and had a laundry basket set on the ground at her feet. She was wearing a bro-tank (like in the picture) and some bright red shorts, and looked like a total badass. I walked up to her, she gave me the brightest smile I have ever seen, and she completely swept me away. We instantly fell in love, and have loved each other more each day. Part 3: Our first huge milestone, was adding a Shih Tzu named Jacoby to our life. He's loves popcorn, birthday cake, walks, being cozy, and toys. He's the tiniest dude, but he believes he is the protector/Batman of the neighborhood (maybe in the drawing, his shadow could show what he really thinks of himself). Part 4: Then we added Chester to our family. Chester always smiles, loves his mom, boops people to get attention, and gallops. Chester is insanely cute but is also secretly a demon (maybe his shadow can show that too). Part 5: After 3.5 years, I finally proposed. After a jumbotron slideshow, Jen entered a Moda Center suite. I was waiting inside on one knee surrounded by candles, rose petals, a light curtain, our song, and a snow machine shooting into the arena. Neither of us remember what I said to her, but at least we both know she said I do :) (if any of that needs more explanation, there is a video). Part 6: At last, we are getting married in the Isabella ballroom. I don't know any details about her dress, but I was thinking that the drawing could be me waiting at the front of the room(I've attached my tux), pedals and candles down the aisle, the gold gates she's going to walk through, and just Jen's hand in view.

Customer Description: I'm Emilee and my husband's name is Cullen. We met in Guam where we were both stationed with the Navy. Our first date started off as just getting lunch from Panda express, but then turned into getting ice cream, driving around the whole island, and getting pizza for dinner. The smile on his face at the end of the night while we sat at my kitchen table eating pizza gave me butterflies. We spent all our time together, snorkeling, playing card games, learning how to cook, and

Customer Description: I'm Emilee and my husband's name is Cullen. We met in Guam where we were both stationed with the Navy. Our first date started off as just getting lunch from Panda express, but then turned into getting ice cream, driving around the whole island, and getting pizza for dinner. The smile on his face at the end of the night while we sat at my kitchen table eating pizza gave me butterflies. We spent all our time together, snorkeling, playing card games, learning how to cook, and just watching movies on the couch. About a year ago we found out that Cullen was being transferred to Hawaii. We decided to continue our relationship and make the most of it even with looming long distance in the future. We celebrated our first Thanksgiving (which included him working all day at the hospital while I made the food) and Christmas (he spoiled his surprise by coming home early from work Christmas eve but made up for it by wearing matching pj's all day). We went on our first scuba dive together the day after Christmas, it was a big day as Cullen had been waiting for me to get certified for quite a while. New years we went out for dinner, but fell asleep on the couch by 10! In February he proposed using a cribbage board that he made himself, and a deck of cards that said "Emilee, will you marry me". We ended up flying back to the states for a crazy cross-country trip to meet each other's families. We made stops in PA (Where he took me to Hersey park), FL (we went on our first boat dive together), and UT. We got married in the mountains at sunset, and later when to my uncle's for a bonfire BBQ and fireworks. A few days later we said a tearful goodbye at the airport when I got on a plane back to Guam and he left for Hawaii. We now spend lots of time playing Wizard101 on our computers together and watching movies together on discord, counting down the days until we can visit each other.

Customer Description: Me and kiea were both in previous relationships that didn't work out kiea was engaged and found out her fiance had cheated on her. I was in a 4 year relationship that just wasn't working out. I've known kiea for a good while and I know her step-dad and step brothers very well I always used to joke and say I'm going to date kiea to make her step dad scott mad. We were at camp one year step brothers me scott other friends and we hung Scott's deer in the tree because he asked

Customer Description: Me and kiea were both in previous relationships that didn't work out kiea was engaged and found out her fiance had cheated on her. I was in a 4 year relationship that just wasn't working out. I've known kiea for a good while and I know her step-dad and step brothers very well I always used to joke and say I'm going to date kiea to make her step dad scott mad. We were at camp one year step brothers me scott other friends and we hung Scott's deer in the tree because he asked us to us thinking we were funny hung the deer about 30 ft in the tree and I sent a picture to kiea. Telling her and scott that I was going to marry her one day just kidding around at the time but it's kind of crazy how things worked out she was engaged and something happened and I was getting out of a bad relationship and she came to the river with some of her friends one weekend. I was on my side by side and asked her to go on a ride together and we just never stopped hanging out now we live together with 3 dogs German shepherds I know that's probably hard to understand and I Apologize I never had to write a story before haha I could explain in person better but I trust you'll make sense of it and draw something cute it's the thought that counts to her she's such a great perso. With a huge heart I love her so much.

Customer Description: Remember the day we first met?( we decided to meet in person even during the peak of the covid pandemic where community lockdown were enforced everywhere 😅 ) thats how hard-headed we were. 😂 It was a sunny morning.. we agreed to meet at the open parking lot. there's no establishments open so we stayed inside your car. We bought food (Goto) and ate inside.We talked and laughed - -felt like we have known each other forever. you decided to play the guitar. Sung several song

Customer Description: Remember the day we first met?( we decided to meet in person even during the peak of the covid pandemic where community lockdown were enforced everywhere 😅 ) thats how hard-headed we were. 😂 It was a sunny morning.. we agreed to meet at the open parking lot. there's no establishments open so we stayed inside your car. We bought food (Goto) and ate inside.We talked and laughed - -felt like we have known each other forever. you decided to play the guitar. Sung several songs for me-- Boy... That's when i knew i'm smitten 😍. Everything went fast.. after a month, i said yes when you asked me to be your girlfriend. In a short span of time, you showed me how much you valued our relationship by - Respecting and making the effort to bond with my family. - taking care of my pets ( 1 dog chihuahua and 2 cats). -making me laugh even with miles in between. (LDR) We argue, we fight, we talk, we reunite. Inspite of all the differences. I still love you at the end of the day. Now we are on the opposite sides of the world (my boyfriend is a seafarer ⚓) but our love is far greater than any distance. Its been 365 days of loving you. Happy 1st Anniversary Jayr! Love, Gail

Customer Description: Hi, My name is Jenn and my partner's name is Laz (Lazarus). He is my soulmate & best friend! We have known each other for 10 years and found our way back into each others lives 5 years ago when we officially started dating. I was in San Diego and he was in Boston (broke off his engagement and called me out of the blue)! We were long distance for a year and a half and then he moved to Boulder, CO to be with me while I finished school. Like many, since the pandemic we have ha

Customer Description: Hi, My name is Jenn and my partner's name is Laz (Lazarus). He is my soulmate & best friend! We have known each other for 10 years and found our way back into each others lives 5 years ago when we officially started dating. I was in San Diego and he was in Boston (broke off his engagement and called me out of the blue)! We were long distance for a year and a half and then he moved to Boulder, CO to be with me while I finished school. Like many, since the pandemic we have had crazy, unexpected & challenging things happen. Now I am all the way in Taiwan (where I am from) with our cat and he's in the States with our dogs. We are engaged to be married but the distance has been really difficult for us the past year. So many uncertainties and ups and downs. however, we know we love each other dearly and want to be life partners. It his is birthday 10/17 and I want to give this to him as a special gift and show him how much he means to me! Laz is a HUGE comic book and manga lover. He reads the newest issue of One Piece every week like clockwork as part of his restroom ritual (he reads other manga too!). We both do really love watching anime together, walking dead (zombie anything really), HUGE GAME OF THRONES nerds- our cats name is Nymeria. Laz is also a huge fan of marvel and superheroes in general. Were also both into crystals, eastern philosophy, yoga, outdoor adventures, hiking, camping, FOOD, and history. He has been studying numerology, symbolism, tarot, and even looking into alchemy. I work in the film industry and we have even tried to conceptualize a comic book ourselves that has to do with the chakras. Laz and I are not traditional- we come from completely different backgrounds, an unlikely pair to most, have had to deal with a lot to be together. However, we are both idealistic dreamers who believe in the good in the world and want to help be a light. I proposed to him after thinking I would never want to marry. We don't want kids of our own but our FURBABIES mean EVERYTHING to us. We have a cat (Nymeria) and 3 dogs named Jolie, Gabby, and Tyson. We go everywhere with them and they are definitely part of our story. So with all of this information, I would LOVE if we could create a love story of us perhaps needing to save the world with magic while finding a way back to each other in a zombie apocalypse? We love to laugh & don't take life too seriously!

Customer Description: I (Mike) have been dating my girlfriend (Jenny) for a few months now. I live in the US (Ohio) and she lives in Mexico (Queretaro), so I wanted a fun way to tell her how much I love her when we can’t be in the same country. Here’s a little background of our story. We are both pretty shy, and it took a lot of our friends to get us to start dating (everyone knew we liked each other before we knew ourselves). Jenny’s roommate (Pedro) helped the most by making us exchange phone

Customer Description: I (Mike) have been dating my girlfriend (Jenny) for a few months now. I live in the US (Ohio) and she lives in Mexico (Queretaro), so I wanted a fun way to tell her how much I love her when we can’t be in the same country. Here’s a little background of our story. We are both pretty shy, and it took a lot of our friends to get us to start dating (everyone knew we liked each other before we knew ourselves). Jenny’s roommate (Pedro) helped the most by making us exchange phone numbers after a party at a friends house. Since then, it’s been a whirlwind of fun and adventures. Jenny loves Korea (she studied there in college) and horror movies, so Squid Game was a pretty big thing this year. I like Legos (she designed the 2 Lego people in the picture to be the both of us) and pretzels. We love trying new places for sushi, pizza, cocktails, and chilaquiles (Mexican breakfast dish that she introduced me to, which is amazing). We love making up stupid phrases to show how we care about each other like “Te Amodio” which is a mix of “I Love You” and “I Hate You” in Spanish or “Te Amo Cincocientos Puntos Mas Que Tu” which is like saying “I Love You 500 Points More” but with a made-up number for 500 since I couldn’t pronounce it correctly. We try to send each other a “picture of the day” when we can’t be together, which usually includes one of us making a heart with our hands or fingers. Recently, I took Jenny to her first concert (a music festival in Mexico City) where we saw some of her favorite bands (LP, Tame Impala, and 21 Pilots). I love the example stories that are comic-book inspired, but I don’t have any good plot ideas. I was hoping you could do something inspired by Squid Game or a horror movie? Maybe you could do something where Jenny and I face off against our evil doppelgängers called “The Gringo” (my evil character) and “La Frijolera” (Jenny’s evil character) because we have a running joke to call each other those names.

Customer Description: A song played in a city. A city of lights, and noise, and dreams, and stories yet untold. Far away, a girl heard it play. Very few could hear it. For it was a song made of a hundred thousand footsteps, of a rhythm paved by sweat, of endurance earned by only a select few. It was the song of a marathoner. Echoing through the streets of New York City. As the girl heard the song, her laced shoes tapped in time, her hips stretched to meet the early morning sun, and her commitmen

Customer Description: A song played in a city. A city of lights, and noise, and dreams, and stories yet untold. Far away, a girl heard it play. Very few could hear it. For it was a song made of a hundred thousand footsteps, of a rhythm paved by sweat, of endurance earned by only a select few. It was the song of a marathoner. Echoing through the streets of New York City. As the girl heard the song, her laced shoes tapped in time, her hips stretched to meet the early morning sun, and her commitment carried her forward. As the day of the race dawned, the girl and the song became one. One, two, three, four, five Burroughs welcomed her along. One, two, ten, twenty-six point two miles saw her come and go. Those who loved her watched from the street, from their phones, and even from their closets, cheering and crying along as the girl put mile after mile behind her. As they saw something sacred unfold. Because this day was so much more than a race. It was a declaration. To her and to others, this marathon would forever mark a truth of who she is: she is a runner. She is a fighter. She does what she says she will. She smiles while she does it. She lets herself love it. And she lets it take care of her in a way nothing else can. She is a wife, mother, friend. And she is a freaking finisher of the New York City marathon.

Customer Description: I would like the post card to just show the different activities that my girlfriend Rachel and I have done together. We do arts and crafts like painting and perlers, we go out to dinner, we have game nights at home, we go to the beach, we watch movies/tv shows together, and we go on road trips. If you could draw out each of those activities that would be amazing!

Customer Description: I would like the post card to just show the different activities that my girlfriend Rachel and I have done together. We do arts and crafts like painting and perlers, we go out to dinner, we have game nights at home, we go to the beach, we watch movies/tv shows together, and we go on road trips. If you could draw out each of those activities that would be amazing!

Customer Description: R and I are two PhD students, currently studying in Chicago, IL and Cambridge MA, respectively. It will be great if you can re-enact our first year together through the 6 powerpoint slides that I have uploaded. Those 6 slides (of photos) highlight some of the more memorable moments of our first year together in our long-distance relationship. Feel free to contact me to discuss!!

Customer Description: R and I are two PhD students, currently studying in Chicago, IL and Cambridge MA, respectively. It will be great if you can re-enact our first year together through the 6 powerpoint slides that I have uploaded. Those 6 slides (of photos) highlight some of the more memorable moments of our first year together in our long-distance relationship. Feel free to contact me to discuss!!

Customer Description: This is a 5 year anniversary gift to my boyfriend Brian. I would love the six cards to tell the arc of our story from the details below. Brian is from Pittsburgh, PA and I am from Devon, United Kingdom. We attended the same university for our undergrad degrees (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) but first met on a road trip to Washington D.C. in January 2017 to attend the Women's March on Washington. We bonded on the trip over our shared love of politics and cupca

Customer Description: This is a 5 year anniversary gift to my boyfriend Brian. I would love the six cards to tell the arc of our story from the details below. Brian is from Pittsburgh, PA and I am from Devon, United Kingdom. We attended the same university for our undergrad degrees (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) but first met on a road trip to Washington D.C. in January 2017 to attend the Women's March on Washington. We bonded on the trip over our shared love of politics and cupcakes. After the road trip, we began officially dating a few weeks later and have been together ever since. Our first holiday together was a trip to Cuba in 2017, where we drank Havana Club Rum while bobbing in the ocean, with white sandy beaches. The next summer (2018) we went on a hiking trip to Arizona and completed the rim-to-rim hike in one day! We also hiked it Utah. After we had both graduated from UNC, we moved in together in New York City. We were living in mid-town and had a view of the Empire State Building from our apartment. Our favorite thins to do in NYC were walk around the different neighborhoods with a cup of coffee from Variety coffee roasters and eat giant chocolate chip cookies from Levain bakery. After 1 year in NYC, my US visa expired and luckily Brian secured a work transfer to London so we could stay in the same place together. Just before moving to London, we vacationed in Hawaii and it remains one of my favourite holidays to date. We took surfing lessons, snorkeled, stargazed, saw turtles, tropical fish and giant starfish, and hiked around the islands. In London, we found a great apartment in Camden Town that was near the famous Camden Market as well as Regent's Park. After eight months of living in London, the UK went into a national lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic and we spent most of 2020 and 2021 in our apartment living and studying together (in 2021 Brian started a Master's Programme at the London School of Economics). During the pandemic, we went on two campervan trips to the Lake District and Scotland together! In October, Brian had to move back to the US and I am still in the UK. I spent Christmas 2021 with him in Pittsburgh. Before moving back to the US, we submitted our fiancé visa paperwork. We are currently doing distance but we hope to be together again in the coming months once (hopefully) our paperwork is approved!

Customer Description: In 2010 Dan and I (Amz) met online playing a computer game called Kingdom of Camelot. Dan is from Austin Texas and I am from New Zealand. We became quick friends and eventually pen pals via email. Context: We kept in touch regularly over the years but I met a man and eventually got married and Dan also met someone, got married and went on to have 2 baby girls. Fast forward to 2018 and I seperate from my (ex) husband. Dan and I moved from emails to FaceTime and our bond str

Customer Description: In 2010 Dan and I (Amz) met online playing a computer game called Kingdom of Camelot. Dan is from Austin Texas and I am from New Zealand. We became quick friends and eventually pen pals via email. Context: We kept in touch regularly over the years but I met a man and eventually got married and Dan also met someone, got married and went on to have 2 baby girls. Fast forward to 2018 and I seperate from my (ex) husband. Dan and I moved from emails to FaceTime and our bond strengthened. Dans marriage ended in early 2019. I moved to the United Kingdom (London) In September 2019 and as Dan and I were in contact he decided to buy a plane ticket and meet me in London on Jan 10 2020. Dan and I met for the first time and spent a week together exploring London. The connection was instant. He felt like home - he flew back to Austin on the 18th and we kept in touch. A few months later we decided to try a long distance relationship. Dan visited me again In October 2020 for a week. We stayed in a wooden cabin in a forest in Guildford. We had to self isolate due to Covid so stayed at the cabin all week. We played strip poker and I won 🍷 November 2020 we decided that we really wanted to be together and in January 2021 we filed for a K1 Fiancé visa. Due to Covid and new travel rules we were unable to see each other for a while so In August 2021 we met in Costa Rica and saw an array of animals. Sloths, humpback whales, macaws, toucans, monkeys etc. I then went to Austin on August 21st from Costa Rica and met his two girls (5 & 6) for the first time where we went to the beach where we played in the waves and I buried them in sand like a mermaid. I went to his parents house with him and met his mom and dad for the first time. They own a cotton farm and I got to help pick the cotton riding on the cotton machine and also shot my first ever gun. I went back to the UK on the 11th September to pack my stuff as my visa was expiring and came back to the USA for 3 weeks in November. In order to get into the USA from the UK I had to fly to a non risk country for 14 days. So I toured through turkey at the end of October 🇹🇷 before landing in USA again. On November 22nd 2021 I flew back to New Zealand as my visa in the UK had expired. On January 13th 2022 our petition for the K1 visa was approved 🎉 and we are one step closer to being together.

Customer Description: Hi, I’m Hannes and I want to send this story to my girlfriend Maddy for our 2-year anniversary. First card: I’m from Germany, Maddy is from Seattle, WA, and we met in Edinburgh, Scotland where we did our Masters degree and were roommates. I was very shy at first and didn’t really talk to her a lot, mostly because of my English at the time. Second card: When I opened up, we became best friends and we bonded mostly over American football and movie nights on the couch. She kne

Customer Description: Hi, I’m Hannes and I want to send this story to my girlfriend Maddy for our 2-year anniversary. First card: I’m from Germany, Maddy is from Seattle, WA, and we met in Edinburgh, Scotland where we did our Masters degree and were roommates. I was very shy at first and didn’t really talk to her a lot, mostly because of my English at the time. Second card: When I opened up, we became best friends and we bonded mostly over American football and movie nights on the couch. She knew before me that we were more than friends, and once I realized, it happened really fast. We first kissed in a bar called the “Brass Monkey”. Third card: We started dating right before Covid hit and spent the first months locked down in our apartment in Edinburgh. We loved our quarantine date nights, were we dressed up and played card games. Fourth card: We moved to Frankfurt, Germany together and travelled through whole Europe in the following year. We went to Paris, Brittany in France, Berlin, the Swiss Alps, Brussels, Corfu in Greece, Cologne, the mountains of Bavaria. Fifth card: Now we’re in a long-distance relationship because she had to move back to Washington State. It is hard sometimes, but we video-call every day and make the most out of it. I also just recently visited her and went to the States for the first time over Christmas. Sixth card: Time travel to the future: We live together in Washington State, have our own house with a garden and three children. Please feel free to divert from the promts for the six cards, I just wanted to give a suggestion how the story could be divided. We like to laugh a lot and we're goofy, so don't hesitate to be funny on the drawings ;) Thank you! :)

Customer Description: Brittany and I met in Hilton Head, SC on 4/29/2021. She’s from Michigan and I’m from Ohio. I was on a bachelor party and she was on a trip with her best friend Staci. My friends and I were at a beach bar called Coco’s on the beach and we were drinking on the deck having a good time. Out of nowhere my dream girl walked in. When Brittany and Staci showed up at Coco’s I noticed Brittany immediately. It was legit love at first sight (LAFS). I’ve never gone up to a random girl t

Customer Description: Brittany and I met in Hilton Head, SC on 4/29/2021. She’s from Michigan and I’m from Ohio. I was on a bachelor party and she was on a trip with her best friend Staci. My friends and I were at a beach bar called Coco’s on the beach and we were drinking on the deck having a good time. Out of nowhere my dream girl walked in. When Brittany and Staci showed up at Coco’s I noticed Brittany immediately. It was legit love at first sight (LAFS). I’ve never gone up to a random girl to strike up a conversation, but I had to go talk to her. We hit it off, hung out all weekend, and had an amazing time together. (First picture is me, Brittany, Staci, and my friend in the bachelor party) She later told me that she couldn’t stop thinking about me her entire flight home and contacted me on Instagram. A few weeks later I asked her on a date and we decided to meet in Toledo and go to the zoo (2nd picture). It was the best first date I’ve ever had. Hands down. We had a blast at the zoo, we sat on a blanket and had a picnic in the park, and then went out to dinner. It was perfect. Since that first date we talk everyday, and have met up a ton of times on weekends to continue going on dates. Our first weekend together was in Hocking Hills (3rd picture) where we stayed in a cabin, went on a hike, chilled in the hot tub, and laughed together all weekend. It was quick, but I told her I loved her for the first time and she said it right back. When ya know ya know. The next picture 4th pic is when she came to Cincinnati for the first time to visit. Shes never been to Cinci and it was great showing her my hometown. The 5th pic is from our first wedding together which just so happened to be the bachelor party I was on when we met in Hilton Head. And the last picture was from this past weekend when we met up in Rising Sun Ohio to be with each other for the weekend and just hung out at an airb&b. Weve had a lot of amazing memories and the best weekends together but this one was the best yet. I can’t remember a time Ive laughed more with someone in my life. Weve been seeing each other for about 9 months now and it’s beyond special. This is a bit of an early Valentines Day gift and my hope is that the 3rd part arrives on 2/14. We love our story and I want to show her in a unique way that shes the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I included some extra pics for reference. Thanks so much!

Customer Description: Happy accident 1. We met for a hair braiding appointment. And I got my car stolen that weekend. 2. I lost my job and you stayed with me until I could beat the shoes off you in darts on first date. 3. You don't listen ( like when i said don't ash in my tequila) and I'm stubborn af (like when i don't listen and admit that I like you and our first kiss. 4. Down for adventures, like house shopping. Calling them Bae-ventures. When i catch you sleep 5. Meeting my mother on a whim

Customer Description: Happy accident 1. We met for a hair braiding appointment. And I got my car stolen that weekend. 2. I lost my job and you stayed with me until I could beat the shoes off you in darts on first date. 3. You don't listen ( like when i said don't ash in my tequila) and I'm stubborn af (like when i don't listen and admit that I like you and our first kiss. 4. Down for adventures, like house shopping. Calling them Bae-ventures. When i catch you sleep 5. Meeting my mother on a whim. And she likes you. 6. Falling down the same stairs together! And then in love.

Customer Description: First part/card: A portrait of us smiling and holding a poster that says “Our story”. Second part/card: Titled: How We Met A drawing of the twitter screenshot I attached. - For his profile picture could you replace it with the cartoon version you drew of him? and would it be possible to do the same for me next to my texts? - Would it also be possible to add the twitter birthday balloons somewhere? Third part/card: Titled: Our First Date We’re parked somewhere listening to “

Customer Description: First part/card: A portrait of us smiling and holding a poster that says “Our story”. Second part/card: Titled: How We Met A drawing of the twitter screenshot I attached. - For his profile picture could you replace it with the cartoon version you drew of him? and would it be possible to do the same for me next to my texts? - Would it also be possible to add the twitter birthday balloons somewhere? Third part/card: Titled: Our First Date We’re parked somewhere listening to “Matilda by Alt-J” in the car (would it be possible to show a few words from the lyrics in the drawing?). He asks me to choose between the numbers 1 or 2. I ask him why and he tells me I'll find out after I choose. I choose 2. He then kisses me on the cheek. 4. Titled: A Few Years Later We're eating our dinner (from Chilis) in bed while watching an episode of The Office US on TV. There is a Chilis takeaway bag on the bedside table. Fourth part/card: Titled: Our Future We’re at home eating lunch on the dining table. He's eating a sandwich, and there’s a takeaway bag with Yamanote written on it next to him. In front of me there’s a bag of flaming hot Cheetos and a large ice-cream sundae from Baskin Robbins (in case it's important its two scoops of icecream and brownies). I’m dipping a cheeto in the sundae and eating it. He smiles and says: "and then you wonder why your stomach hurts". - In the background could you add a TV showing the image I attached of the Scranton Strangler? Sixth part/card: Titled: Our family We're having fun as a family. I'm in a laundry basket and he is trying to push me. Ahead of us is a little girl in a laundry basket and a little boy pushing her. There is also two toys in the background (I attached a picture of them) and a cat. Just some extra comments: - In all the cards I'd like to be wearing a pink t-shirt and he's wearing a dark green t-shirt. -For the parts/cards 2-6 could you include the title in the top corner? For example, the second part/card would have the title “Our First Date” at the top corner of the page. - For the 6th card, in case it's not clear I've attached an image that shows what I mean by the laundry basket thingy. - For the orientation I chose landscape, but I'm not sure if it's suitable so please feel free to choose whichever is best for you. Thank you very much! :)

Customer Description: A bear (M 30) and a rabbit (F 21) met on a plane going from San Francisco to South Korea. Bear asks rabbit if there was wifi on the plane and that's how they started talking. They talked for 10 hours on the flight, enamored with each other. They wanted to see each other again but when? Rabbit asks the bear when his return flight was. Bear shows rabbit his itinerary and alas! Was it fate? They had the same flight back a month later! They met again a month later for their ret

Customer Description: A bear (M 30) and a rabbit (F 21) met on a plane going from San Francisco to South Korea. Bear asks rabbit if there was wifi on the plane and that's how they started talking. They talked for 10 hours on the flight, enamored with each other. They wanted to see each other again but when? Rabbit asks the bear when his return flight was. Bear shows rabbit his itinerary and alas! Was it fate? They had the same flight back a month later! They met again a month later for their return flight at the departure gate. Bear's ticket was 33C and rabbits was 32B. They asked the person in front to swap seats, and that's how bear and rabbit flew back together once again. And once again they talked for nearly 10 hours straight without even sleeping. When they got off the plane they had to go opposite ways. But rabbit said she had never seen the city. So bear took her along and they spent the day at San Francisco together. At night they visited the Palace of Fine Arts. They sat on a bench gazing at the night sky, playfully arguing whether the twinkling dots were stars or were airplanes. And under the glowing stars, when their eyes met, bear kissed the rabbit. Bear and rabbit continued to date for months until COVID happened and the rabbit went back to Korea. The relationship turned into a long distance relationship. Bear would call when the sun was up for him and the moon was up for the rabbit. They sent their love back and forth with gifts. Then after 5 months, rabbit finally came back. Bear went to pick her up and the two were once again reunited at San Francisco Airport, just like how they started out.

Customer Description: 1. Two Turtles (Dr. and Mrs. Dr. Blum) meet at the Austin City Limits music festival at an OutKast concert. It was love at first sight (her name is Caroline and he only remembered her name because the Roses was playing). 2. Things got hot on a balcony in downtown Austin that night and they stayed together thereafter 3. Mrs. Dr. Blum sealed the deal on their second date when she cooked him grandma's famous Italian marinara sauce and chicken parm. Best food hes ever had.

Customer Description: 1. Two Turtles (Dr. and Mrs. Dr. Blum) meet at the Austin City Limits music festival at an OutKast concert. It was love at first sight (her name is Caroline and he only remembered her name because the Roses were playing). 2. Things got hot on a balcony in downtown Austin that night and they stayed together thereafter 3. Mrs. Dr. Blum sealed the deal on their second date when she cooked him, grandmas, famous Italian marinara sauce and chicken parm. Best food he's ever had. 4. After two years of dating long-distance (Dr. Blum lives in Midland, TX and Mrs. Dr. Blum lives in Austin, TX) the buy a French bulldog and name him Blumpkin. Mrs. Blum thinks it might as well be her child. 5. The final move in together in Houston after dating long distance for 3 years 6. Dr. Blum proposed to her at the top of Machu Picchu back in April and he said yes! And they will live happily ever after. All this is leading up to her birthday on September 20th. Thanks for helping to make this such a special bday for her

Customer Description: A girl named Jessica discovers on her birthday that her new car is a time machine that allows her to travel back in time.

Customer Description: A girl named Jessica discovers on her birthday that her new car is a time machine that allows her to travel back in time.

Customer Description: PostSecret collaboration.

Customer Description: PostSecret collaboration.